forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Jeez… Babe you were that concerned about me?
Why must you make me fall for you even further? >w<


That was for me. Not to be rude

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Can… Can I be honest?

Sure, unless you have a good reason to lie.

I don't wanna seem like "oh, you just want attention", but I also have DID…

:0 ngl that kinda made me release some nerves bc like I was super scared yall wouldn't even know how to react or worst case scenario you've only seen the movies that give a negative portrayal

Well, my boyfriend has DID and I’m slowly learning how it works and meeting the different people in the system (some it’s just formality because I didn’t realize I had met the before) and I don’t really watch many movies other than Disney and Miyazaki so, no judgment here!

Deleted user

1-2% of the population has diagnosed DID, kind of cool that there's so many with it here.

Deleted user

oh gosh, not this again. . .
just ignore it dooms.

i'm sorry…

Deleted user

on that note, something has happened that has left me ✨slightly unstable✨ so I'm going to log off for today and try not to do anything stupid & irreversible ✨

scratch that, not logging off for the day.

you wanna pm me what happened dear?


@Elder-God-Whisper work

1-2% of the population has diagnosed DID, kind of cool that there's so many with it here.

I think it’s because Notebook holds a lot of outcasts, strange people, and peoples with mental illnesses. I think that’s why we have more diversity than we normally find irl. Plus, people are more open about it here.

Deleted user

sorry guys, i'm bad at social cues lmao
autism has entered the chat

Deleted user


okay, that's kinda annoying my dude

my bad my g

ayo deadass g, my bad pimp. that's just what happen when you a motherfuckin real ass boss, real motherfuckin player g. the shorties just love you–

Deleted user

sorry guys, i'm bad at social cues lmao
autism has entered the chat

Oof I can relate.

@Kamea public


okay, that's kinda annoying my dude

my bad my g

ayo deadass g, my bad pimp. that's just what happen when you a motherfuckin real ass boss, real motherfuckin player g. the shorties just love you–


Deleted user

Oh geez, are there fights..? B-Because I can't really be here if there's arguments…
