forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(Side note: I actually started a google doc that I use as a journal. I basically just write my shifting experiences but.. as a book? Yeah. I have it shared with a friend because she was really interested to hear about it)

Cool! 😁

@Space group

It's quite a tedious process. And rather creepy too during the actual methods (Some experience things similar to sleep paralysis but more… real)

@requiemisback language

i've been thinking of starting a journal about my synesthesia. i wrote a poem about it too (it's in the "poems, post em here friends" chat if ya'll are curious). i might start it today, actually.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

There was this one dream where my name was Puck. He was the groundskeeper of a magical school (funny and ironic because Winter has compared me to Hagrid 🀣). Some witch was trying to claim the school. Staff found out about a particular secret of hers that we used as blackmail to keep her from taking over.

@requiemisback language

@salem I always thought synesthesia could be quite beautiful. Forgive me if I'm wrong or offend you.

no offense taken at all! i think it can be beautiful too, especially in written form. my synesthesia is very strong, so my senses easily cross anything that comes into my thoughts. it can make for good art at times, because i let my sense take control once i start a drawing, and everything is up to my head at that point. i use it for story writing too. i like to think of my synesthesia not as a condition, but rather as a creative device. it fuels a lot of what i do art-wise and writing-wise.

@requiemisback language

@SpaceCat446 sure! we can head to dms if you'd like? i can share some poems i wrote about my synesthesia (as well as some abstract art) if you're willing to listen to me ramble and stuff :')

@SupernaturalSyGuyStillShipsWale i mean, i don't think i'm gifted per se XD i just like using things around me or inside me as creative outlets for further expression. just a pastime, really.

@Space group

I thought of something cool?
I decided to get on Picrew and try to make you guys!
Not how you actually look (Unless I already know you, from a picture, irl, etc) But more of how I imagine you and what vibes you give me