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@Space group

@SupernaturalSyGuyStillShipsWale I'm looking to read some more Stephen King books. Any suggestions? (Obviously you're the one to ask XD)

@Space group

Same here in a way, (Even though it's probably an extreme lesser amount than you) I have a habit of being drawn to depressing stuff


I was just told by some of my friends that being gay was "a mental disorder" and I'm just
ghrehrgehrghfhsngerjhewfsjegh why
Just no

@requiemisback language

i think they're pushing the "internalized" part of internalized homophobia too much and the fact that they even said that and tried pushing that agenda at all disgusts me


I know
Like I know they might mean it in a flippant way but they still use it in a derogatory manner and it just makes me so so so so soooo mad but I don't know how to tell them…

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Yeah, fortunately them literally threatening people with legal intervention is pretty useless since I ran in this problem last year when looking for side view reference, I just thought it was a bit funny

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

That absolutely kills me. Meanwhile I found a slight loophole in my school's security system. If I misspell a word google will correct it and search for that item, and its unblocked. Say the word unblocked for example. I type in unblocked and no access. But if I type in unbolked, google knows what I mean and I slip right past the security system trying to keep me in and I absolutely love it.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I also just came across a direct reference to Salem's Lot, one of Stephen King's many novels in The Institute! This is one of the reasons why I love reading his work. He often makes references to his other works and puts in easter eggs for his readers to find. The Dark Tower series has many easter eggs and connections. It's a goal of mine to read what he wrote in the order that they came out before I even go near that particular series though. This includes novels, novellas, and short stories.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I actually have been doing the same with my own stories. The school fire in Demon's Hunt that's a result of William's fight with one of his targets is supposed to be the same one from Rising Flame. I plan on name-dropping William's target's name in Rising Flame in as well. I think I might make him one of the few that's nice to Jason so his death hits a little harder too.