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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Pickles group

We're getting new windows on Monday so I need to clean my room, and I have a ton of audiobooks piling up that I need to listen to, so my plan for today is attempt to clean my room while finishing some of the audiobooks and probably watching way too much youtube. Except I feel like shit and I don't wanna do anything please yell at me to do stuff

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Today I learned horse hooves are like gigantic freaking fingernails, not bones or anything, they cannot feel pain through them and they grow a lot.
It only took me two minutes into a video of someone cutting, chipping, sanding, hammering nails, and full on sawing off large chunks of their hooves before I realized this.

My personal version of centaurs (which is only my version, my merpeople should be for everyone though) have long black blunt fingernails for digging.


Apparently Thomas Sanders made a cameo in the Phineas and Ferb movie, that came out on Disney+ yesterday. I knew he sounded familiar.


you know that moment when you're composing a piece and you're trying to make it haunting but not too haunting, and so you're like I know I'll Have this part be a minor third and above this part and then you're like, nope to much haunting and you try every thing you can think of to do it the easy was and you realize that the tune you wrote is already haunting in its self so you can just live your life…..

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just sent my friend a video in which I begin with a cucumber, and narrate "a cucumber" to fit. Then, I zoomed out, revealing a watermelon that happens to be very cucumber-like in color. I then chime in with "a chonky cucumber"



honestly I feel that. What notes are you trying to harmonize

The main melody is a very repetitive almost hypnotic with repetition, A,C,A,C,A,C,G,. all of them are quarter notes and the last one is a half note. and I want there to be an upper triplet or waltz like part dancing over it, of F,C,B F,C,B split into triplets. If I make the half note's match then it works. So I figured it out, the beats weren't matching up at first but I made it work.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oh something that's helped me is that I just fool around on a recorder, and just record myself playing random lines and phrases that come into my head. Then like after 10 minutes, I'll stop, rewind it, and listen. If I like a phrase, I'll edit it out and put it by itself. Then I'll open it up, and see what notes I was playing. It's very fun to see what happens.

@ccb group

my friend from home is here visiting her aunt so we got lunch at the most beautiful cafe and then went to this really cool bookshop and then hung out in the garden at randyland (which is the most beautiful place in the world, google it, if everything looked like randyland my depression would be cured)


I finished it. It's from one of my characters point of view singing to his younger sister.
(Spoiler alert: he dies)
there is a typo in the last line all well. Also I dun goofed because I wasn't paying attention so there is a random rest throwing of the rhythm a bit but you know all well, you can't really tell.
I might sing it at some point but for now I'm done.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Arpeggios might work if you want to put in a harp. But for some reason it sound a half step off. Between the cello and the pan flute. (I'm in a trio with a clarinet and a cello, and me playing the flute) The best thing if you want cello is have them play softer, and let them focus more on whole and half notes. The quarter and eighth notes for a cello sounds scattered. Unless it is a cello solo, then let them run. But do not go beyond 16th notes. (Unless you were going for a crunch sound, then it sounds great!) And for a sad and kinda hopeful vibe, E minor does wonders. I hope this can help you! Feel free to PM me if you want. I'd love to help you make this your masterpiece. πŸ™ƒ