forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Now that makes me upset. The R word isn't supposed to be an insult. And I don't support people who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but I won't hold it against them. And I think it's wrong to called someone gay, as an insult because it's who they are. It's just wrong.


Ya same. It's like using the word autistic as an insult, which I hate because I actually have Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. I actually once overheard this guy in my guitar class using autistic as an insult and I drew him aside and just gave it to him straight, like, "I have that, it's not okay to joke about it, and if you have to use it, please don't use it around me. You never know if someone around you might have that. And I'm not going to suffer in silence." And he stopped using it around me.

@Pickles group

My brain just decided to go "imagine if people said like 'man that's totally mesothelioma >:('" and I've decided to remove the whole thing from my skull


My friends deal with what I consider “having the lady from suffer as an example of a good influence” syndrome
They frequently use the R word, gay, autistic, and multiple other things as insults in their regular vocabulary, but they don’t truly mean any harm, they just hear her use them and since she’s supposed to be their teacher on everything that is right they don’t realize it could be bad
they’re also just generally not super great in terms of their attitude and view of the world itself but then again that’s not really something I can judge

@Pickles group

My friends deal with what I consider “having the lady from suffer as an example of a good influence” syndrome
They frequently use the R word, gay, autistic, and multiple other things as insults in their regular vocabulary, but they don’t truly mean any harm, they just hear her use them and since she’s supposed to be their teacher on everything that is right they don’t realize it could be bad
they’re also just generally not super great in terms of their attitude and view of the world itself but then again that’s not really something I can judge

I don't know why this surprises me at this point


It's why I curse in Old English. Nobody understands it, so they won't be offended. And it only means "deer droppings" anyway. So.
I also know lots of Old English insults. And Tudor insults, and Stuart insults, and Georgian insults, and Victorian insults…

Deleted user

It's why I curse in Old English. Nobody understands it, so they won't be offended. And it only means "deer droppings" anyway. So.
I also know lots of Old English insults. And Tudor insults, and Stuart insults, and Georgian insults, and Victorian insults…

Teach me. Please. I need some insults to deal with my dubiously okay parents.


"What, you egg! You small fry of treachery!" is my go-to, followed by "you cream-faced loon!"

fun fact, I almost said that to my brother "what, you egg!" and then i realized "nobody says that. Or at least, not many people"


Right. I don't have my books with me right now, but I do know that a cod's head is a fool, a strut noddy is someone who doesn't know how stupid they are, a fustilugs is a dirty-eared child, buffle means stupid, a blue pigeon flier is someone who steals the lead off of your roof (a nice insult, even if it doesn't make much sense), and a slabberdegullion is someone who's sloppy and nasty. Then there's golter-yeded gawpsheet, an Old English curse of unknown meaning, and go to Putney on a pig, which translates as "Go to heck". Other curses I know include lobscouse and quakebuttock, and then there are some of Shakespeare's insults, of which my favourite is "Great hill of flesh". And an alternative to the classic "suck it" is "go pound sand" (credits to Soup Nana for that one).
(I have books with insults in them. I'll look things up when I get home and post them. I promise.)

@Pickles group

"What, you egg! You small fry of treachery!" is my go-to, followed by "you cream-faced loon!"

I've started saying "eat my leek" and everyone is very confused, thought you'd want to know okay fine, I do add a few fucks in there but still

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

It's why I curse in Old English. Nobody understands it, so they won't be offended. And it only means "deer droppings" anyway. So.
I also know lots of Old English insults. And Tudor insults, and Stuart insults, and Georgian insults, and Victorian insults…

I can teach you to curse in Gaelic and Nordic

@HighPockets group

"What, you egg! You small fry of treachery!" is my go-to, followed by "you cream-faced loon!"

I've started saying "eat my leek" and everyone is very confused, thought you'd want to know okay fine, I do add a few fucks in there but still

D: I lomf you, also how could I forget to add that one?!
"Eat. My. Fucking. Leek."

@HighPockets group

"What, you egg! You small fry of treachery!" is my go-to, followed by "you cream-faced loon!"

fun fact, I almost said that to my brother "what, you egg!" and then i realized "nobody says that. Or at least, not many people"

I say it to my family and they just accept that it's a Weird Thing I Do


Right, since I can share things nobody asked me to share, and also because why not, Imma just shamelessly promote an album my friend recently came out with. He asked me to tell people about it, so here you are: "Dream is a Dangerous Word" by KeytonXII. It's on all music platforms I think. And you need to listen to it in order because he spent a really long time making the song transitions seamless. It's a sort of lo-fi vibe, and it's great. I'm enchanted. You don't have to listen to it if you don't want to, but again, he asked me to tell people about it, so…


"What, you egg! You small fry of treachery!" is my go-to, followed by "you cream-faced loon!"

fun fact, I almost said that to my brother "what, you egg!" and then i realized "nobody says that. Or at least, not many people"

I say it to my family and they just accept that it's a Weird Thing I Do

lmao nice

@Pickles group

The window people (person? Idk) are here and I'm really hungry and I have to pee but they're on the stairs doing that window so I can't go downstairs