forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Thanks!! This will be the first foal I will help raise! The other four horses my parents got before I was born. I AM SO EXCITED!!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Thanks!! This will be the first foal I will help raise! The other four horses my parents got before I was born. I AM SO EXCITED!!

That's great! I've never really helped with a foal, but reindeer calves (boys are called bulls and females are called cows) yes. I know how to raise a reindeer. (I used to do it in Alaska…)

Deleted user

Thanks!! This will be the first foal I will help raise! The other four horses my parents got before I was born. I AM SO EXCITED!!

That's great! I've never really helped with a foal, but reindeer fawns yes. I know how to raise a reindeer. (I used to do it in Alaska…)

That must have been amazing! I always wanted to go to Alaska, it must have been beautiful

Deleted user

It's very cold and dark for like 4 months of a year…. And then like completely light for like 4 months a year<

I had heard about that. That must have been hard to get used too.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Not really. But in the dark season, everything is like 500% more expensive. Like in the light months a gallon of milk is like 2 bucks. In the dark months it's literally 10 bucks for a gallon of milk. And like a tomato was like 50 cents in the light months, and a singular tomato in the dark months is 4 dollars at least. It's ridicoulous how expensive it becomes.

Deleted user

Not really. But in the dark season, everything is like 500% more expensive. Like in the light months a gallon of milk is like 2 bucks. In the dark months it's literally 10 bucks for a gallon of milk. And like a tomato was like 50 cents in the light months, and a singular tomato in the dark months is 4 dollars at least. It's ridicoulous how expensive it becomes.

10 bucks for a gallon of milk! Oof


purple worm on a string

congrats you got the best result. i had a purple worm on a string when i was younger, so by default, you win. you're really sensitive. buddy, you have a lot of emotions and unresolved issues. you're that one image where it's like, "LOOK HOW HARD I CAN CRY" chances that you like anime, i just want to say, you have IMMACULATE taste. please talk to me about anime. you're on youtube way too often. you know youtubers who you would take a bullet for and youtubers who you would destroy in a mosh pit if given the opportunity. you have terrible luck. you get your orders messed up. you get your favorite shows spoiled for you. you're day plans will get ruined by god knows what. if you're still in school, you hate online school. you're unmotivated to do any work but still feel the obligation to maintain good grades. your comfort games are animal crossing and pokemon. you love and support your friends. your friends?? aghhh so amazing. they deserve everything good that comes their way. you don't even know what led up to this but you use, "dude" and "bro" in your sentences way too often. you like moths. they're pretty cool. i have a feeling you really enjoy video games you'll spend all of your time hyperfixating on a game. you find them to be really helpful with whatever you're dealing with out in the real world. you really like plants. you think flowers are really pretty. you want to start growing succulents but you're afraid you'll kill them. either that or you're already a plant mom for many. you believe in the idea of soulmates. you like the idea that there's somebody out there for you, platonically or romantically. okay you either like bees, rats, or snails. and that is the tea for today. you're always looking out for your friends and because of this you tend to neglect your own needs. take some time for yourself. everything will be okay.

this is 100% me in a nutshell minus liking anime

@sock group

green worm on a string
:00 all vibes passed. my friend used to bring a green worm on a string to school. we named him after shrek. okay, going to be honest with you. stop simping after fictional characters. okay that is all. you can quote at least one john mulaney segment. if you haven't heard of this man that everybody talks about online, i think he's right up your alley. go check him out. you're easily impressed and easily entertained. you'll get distracted watching that little bug crawl up your wall. you support him. you'll tell yourself, "okay at [time] i'll go do something." and then you'll get distracted by something else. you've played sports in the past/play sports/or wanted to play a sport. before you ask, yes that obscure thing counts as a sport. you get a kick out of those cursed ass fanfictions on ao3/wattpad. crack fanfictions man. you're just tired. like all of the time. but you're still going because you're fueled on spite and the idea of going absolutely apeshit one day. you collect something. anything. you have a weird collection of something and i know it. i think you play minecraft or you used to and have fond memories. you say gay and trans rights because gay and trans rights. you know. you fucking love cats. fluffy little bastards. you love em to bits. you describe yourself as "soft" and then the next moment you're screaming on the top of your lungs. you call yourself "baby" but also "feral". pick one. you can't have both. it's not fair. you like playing video games. button go click clack click clack. you not only dig cats, but you dig rats. they're just lil fellas. you've used discord at least like once. if you have, your pets are like your kids. you'd die for your nasty boys/girls. you like walking along lakes/forests to clear your head. you have a lot of thoughts in there. there's a lot you don't understand. there's a lot you don't know. it's okay. we'll figure them out together. take it easy, okay?

I took the quiz and I'm amazed by the accuracy. The facts just hit me like a truck.

@HighPockets group

I got green, which is ironic because I used to have a green worm on a string named Prometheus and then I loaned him to my friend, and someone stole it from him.
My current worm is named Adam and he's orange.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

purple worm on a string
congrats you got the best result. i had a purple worm on a string when i was younger, so by default, you win. you're really sensitive. buddy, you have a lot of emotions and unresolved issues. you're that one image where it's like, "LOOK HOW HARD I CAN CRY" chances that you like anime, i just want to say, you have IMMACULATE taste. please talk to me about anime. you're on youtube way too often. you know youtubers who you would take a bullet for and youtubers who you would destroy in a mosh pit if given the opportunity. you have terrible luck. you get your orders messed up. you get your favorite shows spoiled for you. you're day plans will get ruined by god knows what. if you're still in school, you hate online school. you're unmotivated to do any work but still feel the obligation to maintain good grades. your comfort games are animal crossing and pokemon. you love and support your friends. your friends?? aghhh so amazing. they deserve everything good that comes their way. you don't even know what led up to this but you use, "dude" and "bro" in your sentences way too often. you like moths. they're pretty cool. i have a feeling you really enjoy video games you'll spend all of your time hyperfixating on a game. you find them to be really helpful with whatever you're dealing with out in the real world. you really like plants. you think flowers are really pretty. you want to start growing succulents but you're afraid you'll kill them. either that or you're already a plant mom for many. you believe in the idea of soulmates. you like the idea that there's somebody out there for you, platonically or romantically. okay you either like bees, rats, or snails. and that is the tea for today. you're always looking out for your friends and because of this you tend to neglect your own needs. take some time for yourself. everything will be okay.

I've been exposed, my entire being has been picked apart by a fucking worm on a string quiz

Deleted user

So today I got a new tablet after my old one finally shut down for good. It was honestly less expensive to repair, made less so because it’s my dad’s old one and he gave it to me for a hundred bucks, so that’s cool. I also ordered a stylus, so I’m doing art with a proper stylus now and it’s significantly easier to learn using a stylus, I’ve found. Also this was a really fucking expensive fancy tablet for, I repeat, one single hundred dollars. It’s awesome and I’m in the closest thing I’ve felt to romantic love since cute fictional men. Sorry if that was TMI idk.