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@requiemisback language

very valid tip
side note: dear lord i finally got my ferret to settle down but now he wants my attention but i'm doing schoolwork and jzbjBJBJSBJbs i'm gonna have to work on my multitasking skills for this lil fella istg

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Aww you have a ferret? I want one, but I also have a big dog who puts everything in his mouth at one point or another, so getting another pet is currently out of the question
He's a big baby though, last night he slept in the upstairs hallway because he, a 100+ pound Bernedoodle, was scared of mice

@requiemisback language

i have a lot of pets, including a ferret
ferrets, tbh.. they're just. crazy noodles. especially my ferret Kakyoin oml jsjnjs
i also have a frog, a tarantula, a dog, a cat, and a chinchilla-

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Ooh, I love chinchillas! Not much of a tarantula person myself, but they had one at the preschool I went to(it's the second building of a museum, so we went over there a lot)
I had 2 toads, but they mostly live at my grandfather's now because my mom didn't want them in the house during the winter

@requiemisback language

ahhhh toads are nice. i used to have one but he lives with my biological parents hbhhgh i miss Toady so much but thank god i get to visit him once in a while. as for tarantulas i personally didn't fancy tarantulas until i met my girlie Pumpkin and i was just so hyped to have her as a pet. she's sweet most of the time but she gets fiesty around feeding time since she's super picky hghbjf
and i also remember always wanting a hermit crab for a pet cuz my 4th grade teacher had one named "Batman" with the batman logo on its shell hhsjh

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

That's cool. In Alaska we had reindeer, but uh that's the past. Now recently I had a betta fish named Lake Skywalker that I kept in a soda bottle in a biosphere. (It was a Environmental Science project) It's super simple to make, and the fish survives off of the plant matter in the bottle above it. It's an ecosystem on a budget, and you don't have to worry about it.πŸ™ƒ Now I have a dumb dog, a goat, chickens, and a rabbit, which by the way is named flapjack. And I want to get a fox but idk if it's legal tho…..

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Aww you have a ferret? I want one, but I also have a big dog who puts everything in his mouth at one point or another, so getting another pet is currently out of the question
He's a big baby though, last night he slept in the upstairs hallway because he, a 100+ pound Bernedoodle, was scared of mice

Ferret gross.