forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Found an ADHD yt channel like maybe half an hour ago and anyway I love her already

I love this person
I'm not diagnosed with AD/HD, but I show a lot of the symptoms. She helped me understand emotional disregulation when it was tearing me apart. Also like, she talks about the nuanced things most people don't struggle with, things I can't find support or advice for anywhere else.


my friends just said i look like that one really cute wojack
you know, the goth one with the dark hair that I unironically called hot once?

this is the greatest compliment I've ever been given and my day is complete

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

You've never known true betrayal until a teammate takes your fucking tail and immediately gets it stolen right before the round ends


Okay so now I realize how this might look to people who haven't played Fall Guys
there's a minigame called Team Tail Tag where there's 4 teams of idk how many and 16(?) tails and your team has to steal and keep tails until the round ends


I tried to cut my hair but it was too thick so now my hair is still long but has weird little short hairs

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I tried to cut my hair but it was too thick so now my hair is still long but has weird little short hairs

I can't cut my own hair bc of the fact that it's so thick and curly… It would be so jacked up. The only people who have successfully cut my hair are two African American ladies who I cannot praise enough. They are phenomenal. (Fun fact about my hair is that I can use an unholy amount of conditioner in my hair and it not turn out greasy.)


When I can't write

Brain: many ideas. many scenes. so good. mm yes characters are doing so well. look at this scene, think of this possible plot point please.

When I sit down to write

Brain: no ideas for u :>