forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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I do have my person, but she lives an entire state away (funny enough, the dream I had after that nightmare was one with her in it). We have plans to be together soon though, in less than a year I'll be moving to her state to settle into an apartment with her. So until then, I'll just have to deal with whatever dreams deal me, then text her about them the following afternoon (she sleeps in late).

Deleted user

My eyes are so weird. It's like they couldn't decide which color they wanted to be so they chose all of them.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I do have my person, but she lives an entire state away (funny enough, the dream I had after that nightmare was one with her in it). We have plans to be together soon though, in less than a year I'll be moving to her state to settle into an apartment with her. So until then, I'll just have to deal with whatever dreams deal me, then text her about them the following afternoon (she sleeps in late).

Then I shall be the bridge until you get to your person. Then if you still need me from time to time I'll be here πŸ˜‚

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My eyes are so weird. It's like they couldn't decide which color they wanted to be so they chose all of them.

Mine are forest green in the dark, but in the light they are the color of greenish/blue sea glass. Mine also change color to fit what I'm wearing πŸ™ƒ

Deleted user

My eyes are so weird. It's like they couldn't decide which color they wanted to be so they chose all of them.

Mine are forest green in the dark, but in the light they are the color of greenish/blue sea glass. Mine also change color to fit what I'm wearing πŸ™ƒ

Mine change color to depending on what I'm wearing too! But one is always a slightly darker shade, I also have partial heterochromia.


so apparently there was a minor trend in the deep depths of youtube where people just pitch-shifted and inverted videos of the veggietales 1998 theme song
I may of may not have just watched ten of them
My head hurts

@Pickles group

One frustrating, ~2 hour trip to Walmart and I have my stuff for flute secret santa and some more art supplies. And two more notebooks for school.

@Pickles group

Also my markers are coming in a few hours. Having mac and cheese for lunch. Had chocolate chip muffins for breakfast. Good meals so far. I hate my retainers.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

so apparently there was a minor trend in the deep depths of youtube where people just pitch-shifted and inverted videos of the veggietales 1998 theme song
I may of may not have just watched ten of them
My head hurts



so i went to young's dairy with my cousins and i got this froggo at the gift shop (his name is gerald)

and then we went to like this hippie shop and i got this necklace

i also saw a pride flag and a sign that said have a gay day but i forgot my phone so i couldn't take pictures 😭 and idk if they're supportive so i didn't want to ask them to take a picture for me. they're the kind of people who say "that's gay" in a negative way like if they mean "that's dumb"


i did not expect today to end with me putting raisins in my nostrils and shooting them onto my tongue on camera for entertainment while my friends edit each other into sailor moon screenshots, but here i am


Last night I went into the logistics of how time travel could never actually work.
And then I started talking about alternate dimensions, and how there had to be billions upon billions.
Which led to talking about how a single person can cause so much impact on other people.
Ultimately turning into some serious pep talk about how your life has a handle on other people's emotions in a way, and that you matter a lot to people, even if you don't think you do.
Needless to say, my sister was not happy that I kept her up last night for like… two hours while I talked.