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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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frens are trying to get me to uwuify the trump x biden fic
why do i still alive
i thought that was long forgotten but now it's back and dear gosh end this

@Pickles group

My friend's birthday is in December and I already know what I want to get her but also I don't know if I'll have the money then and idk if she's gotten it between now and back when she mentioned it and idk if her family is gonna get it for her for Christmas and I ??? So much debate. Do I get it now and wait for four months?? Will it still be fine in four months?? Will I be able to resist the temptation to just steal it??? Will I be able to have enough self control to not spend all my money before then??? Will I be held to a higher standard for gifts in the future that I will inevitably fail because I have no self control, let alone the money to throw forty bucks at every single one of my friends for all their birthdays?????? Because even though I don't have to give it to her in front of our other friend who I know wants the same thing, I know she'll mention it offhandedly and it's not her fault at all but I don't want my other friend be upset and I know it'll make her a little sad
I'm fully aware that I'm a privileged and spoiled little brat, I'm so sorry, please don't @ me

So I asked my other friend if she remembered the other friend saying she wanted the thing, and she does so I'm not weird for remembering it. There's that, at least. Still no idea what I'm going to do yet

@YukiSenoue group

I need to create a backstory for my villains and I have no fucking idea of what I'm doing Ahahahahahahahahaa@+'!3( 28+_+2+v#"7_jefjhrudifedhwidjwnj

Please send help

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I need to create a backstory for my villains and I have no idea of what I'm doing Ahahahahahahahahaa@+'!3( 28+_+2+v#"7_jefjhrudifedhwidjwnj

Please send help

I can help. What kind of villain are they? Like what do you want them to have? Tragic past? Horribly disfigured? Broken?


when you've accidentally over-developed a side character to the point they might be more developed than the main character and you're starting to like them more than the mc but the mc is also pretty developed and u still like them and now you're having a conflict on which character should actually be the mc or if they should each just have a separate story

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

when you've accidentally over-developed a side character to the point they might be more developed than the main character and you're starting to like them more than the mc but the mc is also pretty developed and u still like them and now you're having a conflict on which character should actually be the mc or if they should each just have a separate story

Partners in crime. Problem solved. They meet up, say hey I like the way you think, let's be companions/partners and go from there.

@YukiSenoue group

I need to create a backstory for my villains and I have no idea of what I'm doing Ahahahahahahahahaa@+'!3( 28+_+2+v#"7_jefjhrudifedhwidjwnj

Please send help

I can help. What kind of villain are they? Like what do you want them to have? Tragic past? Horribly disfigured? Broken?

They're a group of Androids. 40 years ago, there was a war in which all artificial intelligence was destroyed, and humans passed laws outlawing artificial intelligence. But for some reason, artificial intelligences still are "born". And they want to live.
The true villain, a very old artificial intelligence, is manipulating this group of Androids. This villain already have a backstory and is evil as all heck, and the true culprit of the war in the first place (it can act like a computer virus). But I'm having problems with the Androids. I want some to be evil, others to be likeable villains… I'm all ears. I think there's some gaps in my timeline which are making things harder to me…

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

What I would do, and this is just me spouting here, have a few who are humanesque. Like they are still androids, but they have emotions and humanity. Like say, A is an android and B is a normal human. Then C a complete villain of an android comes in and goes to A, you gotta kill B to prove your loyalty, and A starts thinking and having all these emotions, and then they finally grit their teeth and kill B and soon, they do it all the time losing their humanity, until they meet like a small child, or someone who is just as broken as them, and slowly A begins to regain their humanity, only to lose it again, when they have to choose to kill B, or C, and they choose to kill B and save C. Making A a likeable villain, and then adding a massive plot twist, reluctantly turning your audience against A in the end. I hope this helps!

@YukiSenoue group

Yeah, they're 7 Androids who loves each other as siblings. The part I'm having difficulties is how they came to be. They all thinks humans are just a little pile of bullshit. Humans and Androids are not the only sapient species in the setting, there's others too.


when you've accidentally over-developed a side character to the point they might be more developed than the main character and you're starting to like them more than the mc but the mc is also pretty developed and u still like them and now you're having a conflict on which character should actually be the mc or if they should each just have a separate story


@YukiSenoue group

Have them be like an experimental group of hybrids. That should satisfy the avid reader!

Hmm but the hybrids are called cyborgs in my story (as in, people who lost a limb in an accident, or had their spines injured receive implants to be able to live a normal life). Normally such implants are only for health issues, not for improvement.
Think cyberpunk without the punk, the world is somewhat in a peaceful stage.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Have them be like an experimental group of hybrids. That should satisfy the avid reader!

Hmm but the hybrids are called cyborgs in my story (as in, people who lost a limb in an accident, or had their spines injured receive implants to be able to live a normal life). Normally such implants are only for health issues, not for improvement.
Think cyberpunk without the punk, the world is somewhat in a peaceful stage.

Then make them violent. For a younger group, let them be born with birth defects, ans they all knew each other because they were all roommates in the hospital, waiting to get their new bionic parts. Or for an older group, say like veterans who lost limbs in combat. Let's say the reason they all are like siblings is that they were a squad when fighting was going on. They all lost limbs/got injured in one tragic accident, and (this goes dor the younger and older here) they got "upgraded" as you will. They were then modified to become violent war machines, but something malfunctioned and they kept emotions and their humanity, but they were specifically altered to kill. And that's what would make them so likeable. Together as a team, they aren't villains, but when one is deemed to make a hard choice, between let's say, an innocent person, or a member of their team, the team member will always be chosen over the innocent being. Thus making the character lose their humanity over time. Until one as broken as they are comes in and makes it seem like the villain is oh so close to redemption, until the choice between a new friend and a team member is up for grabs. The team member will always be chosen, and the villain will stay the villain. Boom. Tragedy and heartbreak, and a likeable villain. Hope it helps!

@Pickles group

hehe heart go

Let me guess… You had an energy drink? Or a really bad scare?

They accidentally took their meds twice lmao

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

hehe heart go

Let me guess… You had an energy drink? Or a really bad scare?

They accidentally took their meds twice lmao

Seems legit. I had a friend who took 16 Claritin in 30 minutes bc something in the Claratin made her forget she took it, so literally what she said is that, "I took the Claratin, sat on the couch and thought did I take Claratin? Then I got up and took another one and sat back down and the process repeated itself." She said when her mom realized what had happened, she was already so sick, she couldn't get off the couch. She didn't have to get her stomach pumped, she just puked it all up in a matter of minutes. Now we know she's highly allergic to Claratin and that it shorts her brain out, so she forgets taking it. She's fine now. 😂