forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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If I'm being honest it doesn't really hurt. It's only my tongue and the sides of my mouth bc I keep on running them along the braces.

But after I got them my brain gave me so much of the Good Chemical so today was a pretty good day.

@Knight-Shives group

people say that the gays stole the rainbow from god but the guy who invented the rainbow was Issac Newton, he said there were 7 colors while everyone claimed 5. But he is responsible for ‘creating’ the modern day rainbow, he has been speculated heavily to be gay though they say it could be disputed as all things can be. But he created the rainbow and was most likely gay, meaning the rainbow wasn’t stolen by anyone

@Elder-God-Whisper work

My stomach: Ash, the only things you've eaten today were 2 bites of a ham croissant and half a grapefruit, feed me!
Me: Shut up I'm listening to music

My mood. I keep getting threatened by friends if I mention I haven’t eaten, and it’s annoying. Lmao

@Pickles group

I've been trying to write my admissions essay for like four hours and I have two sentences and have broken down twice. How am I supposed to do this


I haven't even gotten to the essay's I'm breaking down over the fact that I have to pick a major
I want to go into History but like, my brain is like, no History major do not go anywhere in life, do Marine Biology, and then I'm like, but I don't like chemistry. So I'm just, sad.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I ship Shanks and Mihawk so hard it's not even funny
I love those beans as a couple
I love them so much I wanna cry
I just-
I lomf them
Mihawk – Could he be an ally of Shanks?

Look at these babies


Oh yeah Ash I forgot to tell you
So today I cooked a pizza like one of the frozen ones right? And my fiancé and I were just hanging out and having a study session and he had just finished some Jimmy John's he'd brought over (for himself - I don't like Jimmy John's) and so I brought the pizza over to the table and this happened…
Him: Ooh can I have some?
Me: You just ate, like, two sandwiches.
Him: Pleeeease…
Me: You can have one piece
Me: One Piece
Me: Ash

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Honestly, Ash raves about One Piece so much, I might actually finally get around to watching it…

I will continue to rave about it

Speaking of which, the 4kids dub killed it in the US and I'm still salty about it


I'm stealing that for next Bad Fanfic Day.

every day is bad fanfic day if you're as dedicated to trump x biden as i am

Ella, I love you, but no
just no