forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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If I don't do this lab tonight I will only lose 3 points,.
I don't want to do this lab
I know I should
I know it's important but I just
I can't do this anymore.
I can't give my every waking hour over to school work, I just can't do it any more.
I want to do other things and make stuff with out feeling bad, I want to get more then 4 hours of sleep with out feeling guilty for sleeping in or not doing homework.
So, I'm sorry that I'm slacking on my Physics homework but really I'm not sorry. I need the time to come from somewhere and right now I just want to crochet a flower crown.
I need to breathe.

Classical education student here (If that means fucking anything, I suspect it doesn't BUT). When expected to do literally everything on your own shit gets tough, especially when suffering from mild ADD which stops me from focusing on any one thing for terribly long unless its extremely engaging. One thing I learned was that if you can't do anything prioritize, you are not a machine you are a human and you require rest, leisure time, and working time just like everybody else. If you can't get everything done do it in chunks, I am currently behind on Natural Science, Latin, Sacraments and Apologetics, and Math. But seeing as I can't catch up in all of those subjects at once, I am going to tackle Natural science today, and Sacraments and apologetics tomorrow while doing some math on top of that.

Don't try to do everything at once, it kills you slowly.


Sitting in school and we all just heard something that was definitely a gunshot- none of the teachers seemed that concerned tho?? ✌️😬


Sitting in school and we all just heard something that was definitely a gunshot- none of the teachers seemed that concerned tho?? ✌️😬

Is there any construction nearby?


Sitting in school and we all just heard something that was definitely a gunshot- none of the teachers seemed that concerned tho?? ✌️😬

Is there any construction nearby?


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Sitting in school and we all just heard something that was definitely a gunshot- none of the teachers seemed that concerned tho?? ✌️😬

Is there any construction nearby?


Oh that happens in my school all the time. I know it sounds weird, but they won't call any code and there's a bunch of police officers who are equipped with like blanks and false guns that have the ends filled, and they'll do active shooter drills. As if it was a real scenario. If not tho, find a very large text book and cover your chest with it as much as you can. And bring your knees up to your chest making youself as small as possible, and protecting you internal organs. If you can get in a corner and find something to protect your head, that's an added bonus. Stay safe out there. I'm rooting for ya.


and they'll do active shooter drills. As if it was a real scenario.

I've heard about this. It's unethical. I'm sorry for anyone who goes to a school that practices this.


What's active shooter drills?

It's where they make it seem like there's an actual shooter in the building, by firing fake rounds, calling a lockdown, and sometimes there are even actors involved. Teachers and definitely students generally aren't aware of it being a drill.

Deleted user

What's active shooter drills?

It's where they make it seem like there's an actual shooter in the building, by firing fake rounds, calling a lockdown, and sometimes there are even actors involved. Teachers and definitely students generally aren't aware of it being a drill.

I don't think we have those in Texas…


They shouldn't have them anywhere, it causes unnecessary trauma on students, and causes them to be more fearful rather than prepared.

@Pickles group

What's active shooter drills?

It's where they make it seem like there's an actual shooter in the building, by firing fake rounds, calling a lockdown, and sometimes there are even actors involved. Teachers and definitely students generally aren't aware of it being a drill.

…okay wow, our school has a different definition of active shooter drills


Well there're active shooter drills, like what I just described and active-shooter-drills, like "we're having a drill in case there was an active shooter". My school does the latter, but yeah some schools are way too extreme.


Well I don't believe we've formally met unless we have and I just don't recognize the @
I'm Owen (they/them). And you?