forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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So I'm sitting outside, we have a bolder in our back yard so I'm just sitting up here. three people have walked out here looking for me and just haven't thought to look up.


Can I just say, that one Calvin and Hobbes where he's Spaceman Spiff hiding from like Zorgs or something, and then it turns out he's really hiding in a tree and his parents are looking for him.
And also the one where he drops a giant snowball on Susie's head.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Oh my gods, I LOVE CALVIN AND HOBBES!! They were a big part of me and my younger siblings’ childhood. My little brother actually ended up imitating Calvin in the doctor’s office and called the doc a quack… my mother was so embarrassed, I still crack up over it. But his imagination is brilliant, YES

@Elder-God-Whisper work

So I'm sitting outside, we have a bolder in our back yard so I'm just sitting up here. three people have walked out here looking for me and just haven't thought to look up.

That’s…. I wanna do that, but up in one of my trees.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

So I'm sitting outside, we have a bolder in our back yard so I'm just sitting up here. three people have walked out here looking for me and just haven't thought to look up.

That’s…. I wanna do that, but up in one of my trees.


Eyyyyy! Fellow squirrel! Lol

@nebula__ group

So I'm sitting outside, we have a bolder in our back yard so I'm just sitting up here. three people have walked out here looking for me and just haven't thought to look up.

That’s…. I wanna do that, but up in one of my trees.



You ever crave something so bad you feel like you're gunna cry if you don't eat it soon


I had these microwave baby potatoes seasoned with garlic and parsley last night and I want them again so bad
They came in like a family sized tub and I could just eat them all

@nebula__ group

You ever crave something so bad you feel like you're gunna cry if you don't eat it soon


I had these microwave baby potatoes seasoned with garlic and parsley last night and I want them again so bad
They came in like a family sized tub and I could just eat them all

I had McChicken sandwiches from McDonalds two nights ago and I swear my stomach will NOT be satisfied again until I have m O r e


OK here goes.
So my dad has this band, and a few years ago, they were coming over to practise in our basement occasionally. One day I was craving avocados and guacamole so intensely and we didn't have any. I was literally just wandering around the house moaning about how we had no avocados.
So then one of the band members, who's a freakishly talented fiddle player, comes upstairs to like get a drink of water or something and hears me complaining, and is like, "You know what, I'll bring you an avocado next time." So I was like "Umm okay" and didn't think much of it.
The next time my dad had band practise, the guy comes over, right? So he knocks on the door, and I open it, and he just holds out an avocado and I started laughing so hard I thought I would die. It was great.
And then I made guacamole with it and watched Psych.
Good times.

@nebula__ group

OK here goes.
So my dad has this band, and a few years ago, they were coming over to practise in our basement occasionally. One day I was craving avocados and guacamole so intensely and we didn't have any. I was literally just wandering around the house moaning about how we had no avocados.
So then one of the band members, who's a freakishly talented fiddle player, comes upstairs to like get a drink of water or something and hears me complaining, and is like, "You know what, I'll bring you an avocado next time." So I was like "Umm okay" and didn't think much of it.
The next time my dad had band practise, the guy comes over, right? So he knocks on the door, and I open it, and he just holds out an avocado and I started laughing so hard I thought I would die. It was great.
And then I made guacamole with it and watched Psych.
Good times.

XD honestly just,,, wOw. my question for you is: was the guac good tho?