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Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@nebula__ group

-s o b s- why can't my mom buy chips for once,,, i mean i may be on a diet but she bought me ice cream on a day that wasn't a cheat day SO it's only fair I get chips… :(

@nebula__ group

Hugs are life. Especially when your fiancé and you both have physical touch as like one of your top two love languages.

XD i don't have a fiance so idk what that's like but my girlfriend and i have a rule that if we see each other (whether it be outside, at one of our houses, etc), we HAVE to hug, no matter how many people can or can't see us.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Now listen here. I don't have a problem with dresses, when I have a real reason to wear them. I just don't think homecoming is a big enough reason. And when I get rich off my novel I shall invite all of you to a lavish masquerade ball with plenty of food and alcohol if that's your thing.