forum Share things nobody asked you to share
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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One of the best feelings in the world is writing an English essay that you thought would be crap, and then realising that it's actually one of the best essays you've ever written.

Deleted user

For some reason I've always hated how left brain v. rght brain comparison charts portray the left brain as bland and boring while the right brain as super colorful and chaotic.


I think it's because the right hemisphere is the "creative" side - the side that deals with things like abstract thinking, emotions, and art. The left hemisphere is the "logical" side - it deals with things like maths, patterns, and numbers. So basically, emotional mind vs. logical mind, or, as I've heard it put, "lizard brain vs. wizard brain".

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Hey, did you really expect any different answer? I mean, deep down you knew there’d always be the chance someone would respond with that. Also, I adopt other Notebookians as my children, so….. it’s not that far of a stretch. Lmao