forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

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"Emily I swear to god if you don't stop hiding in the fucking cupboards I'm going to stretch you out like a motherfucking rubber band so you won't fit anymore."

Deleted user

"Honey Where's My Anus?"

"Spaghetti Knives"

"You Are The Birdless Friend"

"Goose Whisperer"

"Yes Daddy,Repent"

"The Gay Side of you would understand."

"Balake the garape needs to get his own fuckin' grapes."

"Live Action Lollies"

Deleted user

"My spirit animal is a wet sock"
"Mr.Krabs, I have Diabetes."
"Technically, everyone is allergic to fire."
"My scientific conclusion is Air Puppies"


"I've found god, he's in the science room."
"She's 5 feet, 2 Skittles tall. She'll kill you."
"If a chicken nugget falls out of the sky and hits you on the head… you've been chosen."

Screaming cinnamon roll

"Hey this arc is straighter than (insert name of very gay flute senior last year)! Fix it!" -me on almost a daily basis

Oh my god this is every single person in my friend group.