forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

people_alt 178 followers


"Here's a compass hands magnetized needle cos the real deal is expensive"
"Mr.Dad: Expert of sticky tape, glue sticks, needles and dinner plates"
"yELLOw gArLic huehuehue"

@nebula__ group

"kicking the TV Why won't he die-"
"Dude, he's on the other end of the TV."
"So… I just have to get to his end of the TV?"
"No— That's impossible-"

@LiteralCyborg group

"Don't you DARE drink my setting spray again!"
"In this line of work, we don't question the people in our oven." (said in deep western accent)
"That's a beautiful cow."
"She hit the pole!"
"I like your face."
"Don't die, it's bad for your health."
"Silver is basically neon gray."
"Mike Pence is short for mechanical pencil"


Got a few in Japanese!:

  • ファックユウウウウウウ (don’t bother trying to translate that lol)
  • あきらめたらどうですか?
  • 卒業するときに, Jarret-kunと結婚します。

I’m saving my favorites for later lol >:)

@Tidermelon group

Tri tri TRI-ing to pick up the apple

Why don’t you give it a tri tri TRI

I played that tune on the TRIangle

Just tri tri TRI and wrestle with it

I think my steps are out of trime trime TRIME

Did you put the sample in the petri tri TRI dish

I play low brass because tri brass is tri TRI

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

“Love you bye”
“Did you hug a homeless person today?”
“Wanna play farting ducks?”
“How do the voices in your head feel about this?”
“If we hear her screaming, we’ll know she found her Australian.”
“Ladies first”
“Lando the mando-“