forum put inside jokes here with no context
Started by @1want2believe

people_alt 178 followers

@Pickles group

Sounds of bell for 3 minutes.
Everyone: "What the fuck."

a logical response, i think. did anyone figure out what happened?
also sorry if i seem rude or something, I'm not trying to be, I'm just in a bad mood right now and this whacko site makes me feel better so here i am

Deleted user

Sounds of bell for 3 minutes.
Everyone: "What the fuck."

a logical response, i think. did anyone figure out what happened?
also sorry if i seem rude or something, I'm not trying to be, I'm just in a bad mood right now and this whacko site makes me feel better so here i am

Nope XD
It was the school bell, so we don't care anyway, but it was amazing.

@Pickles group

"There all dead," shouts at the top of their lungs.
Across the building. "We're all gonna die!"

concern intensifies once again


Another one.

In a big store. "RED ROBIN!!!!" At top of lungs.
Across the store equally as loud. "YUM!!!"

that's my mood


me> "O hey look there’s jared from subway"
Hi jared from subway
Jared from subway> hEy lil mAmA lEmmE whIspEr In yOUr EAr, tEll yA sOmEthIng yA mIght lIkE tO hEAR
“It’s frEE rEAl EstAtE”

Deleted user

Hold the fuck up.
No. I'm the fuck up. Hold me.

(I'm gonna steal this.)

Deleted user

Hold the fuck up.
No. I'm the fuck up. Hold me.

(I'm gonna steal this.)


Go right ahead. It's a wonderful pickup line.

Both for getting with someone, and to have someone carry you.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

"Stop loving men that will never love you or acknowledge you!"
"They love all of their fans! They acknowledges us all!"
A third person pops into the conversation "Heyyyy, ItS nOt CaLlEd 'My chemical romance' FoR nOtHiNg!"
The first two just stare at the third person blankly


"Stop loving men that will never love you or acknowledge you!"
"They love all of their fans! They acknowledges us all!"
A third person pops into the conversation "Heyyyy, ItS nOt CaLlEd 'My chemical romance' FoR nOtHiNg!"
The first two just stare at the third person blankly



"Stop loving men that will never love you or acknowledge you!"
"They love all of their fans! They acknowledges us all!"
A third person pops into the conversation "Heyyyy, ItS nOt CaLlEd 'My chemical romance' FoR nOtHiNg!"
The first two just stare at the third person blankly




Listen Kathryn, I dont have the time or energy for your stupid questions of life love and suffering. If I wanna write about death and suffering, then Im just gonna write about your class and turn in