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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Mir and Emi were off solving puzzles in a different area

@Emi we were gettin shit done

facts, we putting our heads together on this one boi

I'm sure I was trying my best.

If your best was being turned into a version of yourself with longer hair and insisting that your actual name was Christian, then yes.

I don't know. It was probably the stress that made it happen.

@Anemone eco

The last place I remember being in a dream it was just a giant banana-yellow trampoline with a significantly smaller navy blue circle in the middle and a star in the middle of that. The rest of the room would just look like this empty grey space, kinda like a gradient though. I was usually bouncing on the trampoline. Excluding the last dream I vividly remember.

@Pickles group

I have one called the labyrinth. It's sort of odd. Most of it is carpeted hallways. In the corners every once in a while you'll find a potted plant (probably fake), a chair, or a skeleton.

does David Bowie ever show up with your kidnapped brother?


Does anyone else have a place that sometimes shows up in dreams? Reed mentioned one.

Several. Which would you like to hear about?

The most interesting one probably.

Well, not sure what would count as "most interesting" so I'll just give ya my top five.

  • Specific altered versions of houses that I've been in.
  • An orb-lit forest.
  • A very specific ship I call "Mary's Blessing."
  • My safe place.
  • A hotel.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have one called the labyrinth. It's sort of odd. Most of it is carpeted hallways. In the corners every once in a while you'll find a potted plant (probably fake), a chair, or a skeleton.

does David Bowie ever show up with your kidnapped brother?

Nah. But once Hagrid drove me around in a flying roller coaster to find Mikayla.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

In the labyrinth there are also
The Family
The Man
and The Woman.
First is pretty nice, doesn't get up to much. No idea why they live there, the entrance to their house is the downstairs bathroom.
The Man is… gruff and annoyed. That's about it.
The Woman is older, hates kids, will let you sleep in her house if you promise to leave as soon as you can, loves books, is probably a witch.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Oh there's also my grandparent's house
usually their old dog is there
There's always an odd attachment like stairs where stairs shouldn't be or a slide that goes into the YMCA


Does anyone else have a place that sometimes shows up in dreams? Reed mentioned one.

Oh yeah
There’s like this weird looking mystical foresty hill thing with a singular cliff looking over a lakeside city
It’s beautiful
It changes slightly each dream, once there were tiny glowing blue mushrooms, another time giant dandelions
Usually the trees are bright unnatural colors, but sometimes they’re really tall and dark green
Sometimes the city is underwater, other times it’s on the beach, or floating on islands in the sky
sometimes it’s just a small village

I like it a lot