forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

I share a birthday with Thomas Sanders and Joe Keeri :)


Deleted user

doomsday is something i welcome but i ain’t prepping to survive-

Deleted user

doomsday is something i welcome but i ain’t prepping to survive-

stay alive because one day when we get out of here, I'm going to meet you and kill your mother.

that turned violent quick

Deleted user

Could you come kill me instead? Please
Preferably stabbed, Mir can tell you how

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Could you come kill me instead? Please
Preferably stabbed, Mir can tell you how

No. If I met you, I'd hug you?? You seem really sweet and you're a really good singer, we don't have enough of those. All the singers/choir kids I know are bitches (sorry, choir kids)

Deleted user

Could you come kill me instead? Please
Preferably stabbed, Mir can tell you how

No. If I met you, I'd hug you?? You seem really sweet and you're a really good singer, we don't have enough of those. All the singers/choir kids I know are bitches (sorry, choir kids)

Hug me, then stab me.

@Anemone eco

Y’all can I just vent/rant a lil? Feel free to completely ignore what I’m saying too

Yeah, dude. Go right ahead.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Could you come kill me instead? Please
Preferably stabbed, Mir can tell you how

No. If I met you, I'd hug you?? You seem really sweet and you're a really good singer, we don't have enough of those. All the singers/choir kids I know are bitches (sorry, choir kids)

Hug me, then stab me.


@Anemone eco

Could you come kill me instead? Please
Preferably stabbed, Mir can tell you how

No. If I met you, I'd hug you?? You seem really sweet and you're a really good singer, we don't have enough of those. All the singers/choir kids I know are bitches (sorry, choir kids)

Hug me, then stab me.


How about ya stab me?

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Could you come kill me instead? Please
Preferably stabbed, Mir can tell you how

No. If I met you, I'd hug you?? You seem really sweet and you're a really good singer, we don't have enough of those. All the singers/choir kids I know are bitches (sorry, choir kids)

Hug me, then stab me.


How about ya stab me?

I love you all and I would d ie for y'all.

Deleted user

Listen, I am so touchstarved that I would love to be hugged before death.
Like, the only thought on my mind for the past two weeks has been "give me a hug'


Like, the only thought on my mind for the past two weeks has been "give me a hug'

also big heckin mood
like i just need someone to wrap my noodle appendages around for the purpose of emotional comfort

@The-Magician group

So as I’ve noticed in a couple of chats, probably this one at some point, I’ve realised that I’m completely misreading comments, typing little things that haven’t made sense and whatnot, and I’ve only now just realised that I’ve been doing this irl as well. Only, irl, it’s a lot creepier and more difficult to deal with.

I’ve been swaying a lot more than I usually do, I’ve been overheating since day 6 of lockdown, my parents have noticed that I’m skipping meals.

I don’t remember when I last took my medication, you know, the iron tablets I’m supposed to take because I’m not eating properly, and the antidepressants because the train track seemed really tempting one day and I can’t sleep properly without them.
I’ve been sleeping during the day, for the most part. It’s been a case of wake up, get dressed, have tea, wash the dishes and go back to bed. All the while I’m staring at my ceiling at 6am because I physically can not sleep, and the idea of taking my medication makes me nervous?

Alcohol? Yeah, that’s a thing. Don’t remember the last time I drank any, but it was probably 6 days ago 🤷🏻 and smoking? Yeah, haven’t done that for 3 weeks now.
I was calm at the start of the lockdown, you know? I was painting, meditating, eating. Three weeks in and I’m just angry and restless. I’ve been lashing out at my siblings, at my closest friend, at my boyfriend, and it’s so annoying because I’m aware that I’m doing it but I can’t stop myself from doing it because for some reason my mind and body is now acting on impulse.

Shit, just remembered that I have 2 months worth of work to do in 8 days, that’s going to be fun. We love being a college graduate..

I think I just wanted to let you all know that I’m not okay, and I apologise in advance for any offensive comments that may come from these lips.
It’s 06:06, and I can’t breathe 🙂