forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Anemone eco

I was supposed to be asleep two hours and forty two minutes ago

Oof. I should honestly try and regain a normal-ish sleep schedule but that honestly feels kinda hopeless.

@Kie group

Should I go to sleep because I have classes tomorrow? Yes.
Am I actually going to? no.

I felt that. It is currently almost 12 AM and I have to be up at 8 AM, but I really want to read or write something. At the same time, crawling under the sheets seems like a dream come true.

@saor_illust school

hey maddie? idk if you'll ever see this, but i just think that you might like this song-
i won't tell you what it's about, because i think it's a meaning you'll want to figure out on your own-
but here it is: (and once you do figure out what it's about, it's really hard to not see the meaning behind the lyrics)

Deleted user

Been a hot minute I’ve been on here but I’m just returning quietly to vent because well..what I’m venting about is an issue that concerns my family.

So I’m not sure how many of you have heard of the Ukraine fires, but currently, there is a pretty big fire that they’ve yet to contain on the rise. And currently, as I’m typing this, the fire is in the city of Pripyat/Prypiat, less than 2 miles/1 km away from the Chernobyl power plant. And, I’m sure as many of you are familiar with the Chernobyl incident of 1986, if the fire reaches that power plant, it’s gonna be bad. Like, really really bad. And it’s also on the path for the plant as well. If the reactor gets caught in the fire…guess what, radiation will get thrown out, more than the 1986 incident.

So how does this affect me? Well while a good chunk of family lives in Canada not all of them are right now, some are still in Belarus, a country located close to Ukraine. And in the 1986 incident, a lot of radiation went into Belarus, so if the radiation follows the same patterns….
I could be just worried about nothing here but radiation does really nasty stuff to you if you’re exposed and i really don’t want that happening to the family that’s still in Belarus. And apparently they’re struggling with containing the fire so wow.

And in addition to a possible Chernobyl 2.0 there’s the Coronavirus in Belarus, which the president there says “no one will die from the virus” yet 29 people are dead from it so wowee. He’s not even a president more like a dictator of some sorts and boy am I glad I left the country before 2020 because I don’t know how stressed out I’d be with the threat of the virus AND the wildfires.

Deleted user

i just spent an hour sobbing to my therapist begging for her to listen and believe me because i am at the end of my tether… she believed me… but now she has to call my mum… and I'm terrified…

Deleted user

i think mum might be taking me to the er…

@saor_illust school

also i have a vent
probably insignificant but i need to let it all out
i just realised that at some point there will come a time where eventually we are no longer in contact with each other or at least some of us will- and idk if that makes sense but it makes me sad and even though as muchas i would like to believe that we will all still be in contact even in twenty years i just dont think that's very realistic. some of us will lose contact with the others and im just like,,, nooooooooo because you all are very near and dear to my heart and idk what i would do without yall to help me along the path of life <333333
i have no idea if anything i said will make sense to any of you
and why tf am i still looking through pinterest??? literally half of the things make me even more sad T-T
oh lord… i now realise where half of these emotions are coming from… they come from the core memories of my elementary school years… oh god there were only a couple of good things that happened
but i had so many toxic expereinces and friendships back then
and even now, if i was in a toxic friendship, i know my life would be a hundred times worse because like i said, that one pinterest thing that isaid was 110% me? it said something along the lines of if i let you go, it took all of my will and power to let you go
because like,,, im so easily bent and manipulated
im like water
i can fit in almost anywhere but i can never get out
not unless im forced out

found this image on pinterest

and another:

which has inspired me
when everyone wakes up
i want you to tell me what i can do to make your day better
even if it's just a place to rant or vent
a hug
or even a wholesome image
even a small thing
like drawing something for you
or a handmade card
i will do it
no matter how much effort it takes me because i love you all so much
and yes there are literal tears streaming down my face now because this is all so sad and i dont want to ever lose you guys
you are all the best
emi, you're the best mother on notebook here and no-one can change my mind
angel, you're one ofmy favorite children i love you so much
zephir, you're a great dad and ily fren

@saor_illust school

i don’t know either but i’m scared…

i love you nia
i love you so much
and istg if anything happens to you at the er
i will literally
find a way to get into australia and make sure everything will be okay-ish again
and then i will keep you safe
i promise

Deleted user

it’s official. tomorrow i’m heading to the er to potentially get admitted…