forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

I had to find you quick so I could get you those bells before my internet crapped out. It glitched and I got my bells back, so I didn't know if you got them or not, but I just broke the system and pulled 2000 bells out of my ass I guess


I went from 80 bells to 101,420 today

I need answers

I made all the bunny day recipies, sold them, then sold two inventories full of stuff from nook miles tours

That sad moment when you have Wild World

@Anemone eco

You should do conferences with your teachers. It will more than likely benefit you more than hurt you.

I don’t want to do it everyday for an hour

Well, you should. They could be saying something important that you're missing and I'm sure you not being there is not building up a good reputation with your teachers.

@Moxie group

I had a dream where I was going on a vacation with my family to New York
Except it wasn’t my biological family
It was the notebook family (and Emma because I’m not abandoning the squish)
We were all in this huge bus-like van thing, I think Baylee was driving but it might’ve been Dom?
One of the boys

I don’t remember much about it except at one point where we saw a road work ahead sign and all simultaneously shouted “uH YEAH I SURE HOPE IT DOES” in such perfect harmony that it almost felt like one voice
And the vacation home was extremely futuristic so everyone was confused and no one knew how to do anything

I've honestly imagined us all hanging out and staying in a giant house before as like a fun vacation thing
When we eventually do that please bring Emma

Deleted user


What happened in the dream?

I remember more about this one
we were in Minnesota, and I know that because we were right across from one of the mall of america and roller coasters, but it was an outdoor one????
and it was a biiiiiig buiding
and we were with my history teacher (blegh)
and so I walked into this room with a bunch of adults with computers (I think I printed something)
and they're immediately like "mmmmmmmmm honey you need to go"
so I walk back out
and I ask my history teacher if he knows anything
and he goes (this doesn't make any sense lmao) "I know (somebody idk who) just sent a bomb to us from Manhattan"
so we're like okay
and we have to go to the bottom story of the building
and we're all just there, with a bunch of other schools
and we see through the giant window that said outdoor roller coaster is still going
and so people start screaming their names and ages (????)
and suddenly we see a plane
and then there's like these huge treadmill things (like those ones in the airport where you walk and stuff)
and there were balloons
and these balloons were sent by the plane, and they were filled with stuff
and we didn't know which one had bombs and would kill us all
so we're running on this treadmill thing trying to avoid balloons
and then Nie (he just looked how I imagine he looks) is in front of me and running and I'm like "oh hey"
and then we went up stairs instead of the elevator and I woke up.

Deleted user

kinda lit to 'see' you though. You were wearing a red hoodie.