forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

@Anemone eco

Y'all, I don't want to be responsible for any of you being scared.
And I'm serious when I say that, as someone with certain beliefs and other factors that make me feel safe researching this, it's dark.
Because a lot of it is real.
Including the two things I'm really going into right now.

I'm pretty sure I'd be fine. But I'm not going to force you to tell me

Deleted user

am I just dumb or are any of these letters repeating?

Deleted user

I really don't feel comfortable sharing what I'm researching once it's reached a certain level.
And the fact I've already gagged from disgust, discomfort and disbelief a few times here only convinces me more not to share.

I'd happily give anyone some lighter stuff to look into if they want something interesting, though.

@HighPockets group

I finally got that copy of Titus Andronicus that I wanted and I love it?? It's literally so pretty but also brutal and it has a coffin-shaped pie on the back.
Also I got a Shakespearean deaths card game and I won twice.

Deleted user

Who the hell
made merch
for Albert Fish
a serial killer who murdered and ate a child
That's so not okay????

Deleted user

hiwo am i jhe only one on line
come lkjgive me koit oictues and be rited w ith me