forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

It's mostly just to make sure I don't get in trouble for being on here in the first place while I'm outside of school 24/7.
I'll probably set up some way to get on at night, but I don't know how much I'll be on if that works.

Deleted user

God I hate online school. Mostly because my teachers cannot use technology.
You expect me to learn online from the teachers who can’t find the skip ad button? No.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Is your school doing online school or just not doing anything?

No, but we're out for three weeks.
I was already planning on staying off more during march break, but now with the three week thing it's kinda important that I stay off, especially since my mom thinks I deleted this account.

@Moxie group

Can I just mention that while I have no issues with people getting mad about mental health issues, and I fully support it, ADD/ADHD is not a mental health issue. It is a medical condition.
That is all.

Oh I thought it was a disability


Day 1 of self quarantine:

My little brother (who's in martial arts) refuses to call the virus anything other than "Kung Flu"

We have successfully obtained our ultimate time passer: A card game where you throw kawaii burritos at each other until someone passes out or something, i dunno, i haven't read the rules

I broke down and made a reddit account after already running out of youtube channels to binge. Remember, day one

We are unable to get our Sunday cheesecake, and my parents have made multiple jokes about splitting up my candy stash into emergency rations, getting slightly more serious by the minute

My chinchillas are sleeping and they're all huddled up together like little fluffy blankets which is so disgustingly cute that i highly doubt i'll make it through quarantine alive

In other words, just another day

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

It could be classified as that…
For me it can be considered a learning disability, though I don't think of it that way… It's mainly just a thing I have to live with that causes me to have to deal with certain things in ways most people wouldn't.

Deleted user

Day 1 of self quarantine:

My little brother (who's in martial arts) refuses to call the virus anything other than "Kung Flu"

We have successfully obtained our ultimate time passer: A card game where you throw kawaii burritos at each other until someone passes out or something, i dunno, i haven't read the rules

I broke down and made a reddit account after already running out of youtube channels to binge. Remember, day one

We are unable to get our Sunday cheesecake, and my parents have made multiple jokes about splitting up my candy stash into emergency rations, getting slightly more serious by the minute

My chinchillas are sleeping and they're all huddled up together like little fluffy blankets which is so disgustingly cute that i highly doubt i'll make it through quarantine alive

In other words, just another day

Day one of self quarantine, for Reed:

I've watched two movies

I bothered my friend untill they sent me selfies then I painted them

I drank three peach sodas

my dad has asked me fourteen times what the first harry potter movie is called
fifteen now

I made a really stupid pin and I just need to seal it

I ate half a bag of giant dorritos

My dogs are still afraid of our new couches

Be gay do crime

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Day 1 of kinda-self-quarantine:

My sister has been watching stupid cartoons and walking around on the table for the past hour

My dad is saying that divorce rates are gonna spike after this ordeal

My parents blocked YouTube on the family computer so I've been begging for the past half-hour

My brother is constantly video-chatting with his school friends because they had to take their school computers home

I just realized that I only checked out 2 library books from school so I'm gonna suffer

I also realized that we have old relatives in Italy

My dog is continuing to be my dog and diminishing our butter supply by eating the entire stick that someone left out on the counter

I'm gonna go insane

@Pickles group

It was I'm guessing a meme or perhaps a mere post, but
"Anyone else feel like we're living in a four year old's story? 'First there was this big virus and everyone was really scared. Then the world ran out of toilet paper! And school was cancelled for like a month!! And then it snowed!'"