forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 232 followers


 If I break something, then I break something, and that’s part of the experience.
Everyone, sit down. Down you must sit.
With this new program, you can save up to three lives!
Those are called children’s dreams, and I step on them every day.
 I believe in you, stupid.
Chivalry is dead and I killed it.
It's all fun and games until someone sets fire to the theatre and the dodos start going extinct again…
He never really existed but now he’s a story in a book!
Brain friends are not your friends they will steal your keys and your sanity


@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

  1. Complete the personal background information on Sanford Meisner.

a. Director for 48 years at:

b. Most Notable Acting Role:

c. Name of his Acting Company:

  1. List the three steps of Sanford Meisner’s spontaneous repetition technique.

a. Actors ____look .

b. Actors ____describe .

c. Actors ___say (repeat) .

  1. List three steps used for improvisation promoted by Sanford Meisner.

a. Actors enter a room without _____.

b. Actors form the plot _____.

c. Actors focus on remaining _____.

  1. List the names of five famous actors who studied with Sanford Meisner.

a. R D

b. D K

c. J W

d. G K

e. G P

Deleted user

“Not now, sweetie, mommy’s cyber-bullying the mayor.”
“Cool! I’ve always wanted a penguin that eats children!”
“The ducks, the ducks! Drowning all the humans.”
“If you get an Octobass and another Octobass together, they’ll have a baby harmonica.”
“Once I threw a giant snowball at the invader and it turned out it was an Amazon guy.”
“I’m a yeet.” “Do you even know what yeet means?” “Um… that I’m gay…?”
“We were talking about the word four today and some kid said, “Four, like my dad has four girlfriends?”
“You’re feeling racist today? Cool! Me too!”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me the floor was brown.”
“Ex-GAY-use ME?”
“I can’t go today. I have to take my ex-girlfriend to get her first tattoo.”

Deleted user

Your assignment Week 2 Notecard Speech has been graded.

graded: Jan 11 at 8:55am

score: 10.0 out of 10.0

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Full Name:
Bio (5+ sentences):
Personality (3+ sentences):
Hobbies (2+)
Likes (3+):
Dislikes (3+):
Fears (2+):
Birth Kingdom:
Residing Kingdom:
Gear (Weapons, Armor, Tools, etc.):
Fighting Style (If any):
Strengths (3+):
Weaknesses (3+):
Voice (Optional):

@Kanaroli group

So, this story actually begins on my birthday. We were at Hoologin’s for my birthday dinner and I had a lot of fun, when suddenly my parents handed me a small box at the end and when I opened it, it was tickets to Ancient City Con; I remember being so excited to go to my first real convention, even though it was about 2-3 weeks away. I spent those weeks researching the convention and who would be in attendance, and that’s when I saw his name. I totally flipped when I saw that Billy West was going to be attending, the thought that I could meet the man who voiced some of my favorite characters from the show that practically raised me made me so excited to where the convention was all I talked about for the last week.

After weeks of planning and getting a cosplay together, the day finally came. We all loaded into the car and made our way up to St. Augustine. The entire car ride I was jittery. I didn’t know if it was out of excitement or nervousness. I was so excited because some of my favorite people would be there, as well as some of my favorite cosplayers and suitors but I felt anxious because what if I embarrassed myself in front of them, especially one of my all-time favorite Skull Dog suitors. I tried to push my nervous thoughts down as we pulled into the parking lot and unloaded out of the car; I made sure my cosplay looked good and made sure I had everything before we made our way into the convention center.

Once we got in, I was amazed at all the great cosplays everyone was in. I even saw people cosplaying as characters from my favorite pieces of media. As we walked around the main room, we checked out some of the amazing booths that were set up, so many amazing shops were set up and there was so much cool stuff. From one booth, I even got my first set of DnD dice. As we were exploring the booths, I ran into my favorite Skull Dog suitor, Bastille the Butler. I won’t lie, I fangirl'd, hard. I was absolutely excited to meet him as he had such an impact on my fashion and my own Skull Dog.

After I had gotten my picture taken with Bastille, that’s when we saw his booth, I quickly hit my dad's arm and pointed to him, to which my dad did not hesitate to B-Line over to his booth. After waiting in line for about 20 minutes, we finally got our chance to talk with him. When we finally got up, I shook his hand and thanked him for voicing my favorite characters, to which he smiled and then asked if I wanted to hear him do the voices. I responded with a slightly over ear yes, and he quoted the most popular Futurama memes in the character's voices. We thanked him for his time and continued exploring the convention, and I would shut up about meeting him for hours.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Royal icing is one of the best icings for decorating cakes. Mixing together powdered sugar, egg whites, and meringue powder or liquid provides a consistency relative to pancake batter. This makes it easy to pour into pastry bags to fulfill your decorating dreams.