forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@spacebluelily language

As the sun set on Christmas, the fighters retreated to their respective trenches. A few ceasefires held until New Year’s Day. In most locations, however, the war resumed on December 26. At 8:30 a.m. in Houplines, Captain Charles Stockwell of the 2nd Royal Welch Fusiliers fired three shots into the air and raised a flag that read “Merry Christmas.” His German counterpart raised a flag that read “Thank you.” The two men then mounted the parapets, saluted each other and returned to their sodden trenches. Stockwell wrote that his counterpart then “fired two shots in the air—and the war was on again.”

The guns quickly extinguished the brief flicker of peace, and British Expeditionary Force commander John French issued orders that such a grassroots ceasefire should never happen again. When Christmas returned to the trenches in 1915, the truce did not. Holiday cheer was in short supply like so many other rations after a year that saw the unleashing of poison gas, the sinking of the British ocean liner Lusitania by German U-boats and the deaths of millions more on and off the battlefield.

The guns of World War I did not fall silent again until the signing of the armistice on November 11, 1918. The Christmas Truce, however, provided an unforgettable memory for many such as the British soldier who confessed in a letter the following day, “I wouldn’t have missed the experience of yesterday for the most gorgeous Christmas dinner in England.”


"I just kept seeing him either behind me, looking at me."
erm i was on another thread talking about the time i was stalked.. (copy and pasted that for formatting reasons lol)

@spacebluelily language

I mean from a historical point this line is completely true. Jefferson never wore anything fancy cause he was like 'i'm above fashion bitches' and during his presidency would be late to greet his guests and arrive in his night gown or dirty with mud all over him. Hamilton on the hand was literally always dressed up. I mean he was nicknamed the peacock because of how extravagantly he dressed.
(Madison was also nicknamed the crow because he would always be dressed in black.)
So uh yeah this line is more of a historical than musical thing.

@Elder-God-Whisper work


What is this betrayal,
that resonates through my bones,
Shattering the particles of me that mattered,
While I stifle my begging tones.

What was once warm and pleasant is now a burn,
Scorching my emotions to smoke and ashes,
The very same thing that passes from your lips,
As the blade deepens the gashes.

I trusted it to hold my quintessence,
Even as the grip faltered at a breeze,
And that breeze grew to a storm,
Then it dropped me into ice cold seas.

What was this betrayal,
That embedded itself in my soul,
Locking itself in place forever,
Until my funeral toll.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"I know. I know. Your right." He sighed stopping in place. "Your right. I just…I was…gonna protect them but what the heck could I do? I'm blind…what if he…what if he followed my sister?…what if he followed her home to our home and our mom…what if he hurt them?" He started shaking.