forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@spacebluelily language

Alex: oh, uh, hey Angelica, how are you?
Angelica, in a godly scary voice: I am better than you have ever been or ever will be…
Alex: Oh my god why do you sound like James Madison after he got over his cold?

@spacebluelily language

Washington: Thomas, Alexander. Please, just grant me one dying wish.
Jefferson: Of course, sir.
Hamilton: Anything.
Washington: Whatever you do. . . DON'T FORM ANY POLITICAL PARTIES. Is that understood.
Jefferson and Hamilton: silence
in the background both parties are arguing
Spongebob music starts playing
Jefferson: Wouldn't dream of it.
Hamilton: What the hell is a "political party" anyway
Washington: Oh god, I'm going to die in vain.

@spacebluelily language

(I found this conversation on Youtube.)

Thomas Jefferson
6 months ago
He took away my macaroni!

Also fun fact. When you say Mac and cheese, you’re saying macaroni and cheese and cheese.

Bill Cipher
6 months ago
@Thomas Jefferson I know people come back from the dead, I mean I did, but surprisingly you did as well.

Thomas Jefferson
6 months ago
Bill Cipher,

I should say the same for you, Bill. Weren’t you punched into inexistence?

Bill Cipher
6 months ago
@Thomas Jefferson Axolotl helped me out. I definitely wouldn't have survived that..

Thomas Jefferson
6 months ago
Bill Cipher,

Oh yeah! That is true. How is your day going??

Bill Cipher
6 months ago
@Thomas Jefferson I haven't caused chaos yet today, so I guess okay?

5 months ago
I just saw a conversation between a Founding Father and an evil triangle demon….. I wasn't expecting that

Bill Cipher
5 months ago
@DetroitGuy What DO you expect from an interdimensional dream demon from the Nightmare Realm?

5 months ago
@Bill Cipher Fair enough

Deleted user

"I can buy and SELL you old man!"

"…Fair point."

  • Gideon and Bud Gleeful

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"Hot Belgian waffles! Wait. I'm alone. I can swear for real this time! SON OF A–"
~ Stan Pines

@spacebluelily language

Laurens: All right all right! That’s what I’m talking about, now everyone give it up for the maid of honour, Angelica Schuyler!

Angelica: A toast to the groom! (To the groom! x3)

To the bride! (To the bride! x3)

From your sister! (Angelica x3)

Who is always by your side! (By your side x2)

Angelica and (Laurens) and [ensemble]: To your union! [To the union! To the revolution!] (Baby I’ve been I’ve been losing sleep.)

And the hope that you’ll provide! (Dreaming about the things that we could be.) [provide, you provide!]

May you always! (Baby I’ve been I’ve been praying hard) [always!]

Be satisfied! (Say no more counting dollars will be counting stars…) [rewind]

Angelica: Rewind! Rewind! Helpless… skies… skies…

laurens and (Angelica): Yeah we be counting stars… (rewind, drowning in em… drowning… rewind…)

Angelica: I remember that night I just might… (rewind) I remember that night I just might… (rewind) I remember that night I remember that-

laurens: I see this life
Like a swinging vine
Swing my heart across the line
In my faces flashing signs
Seek it out and ye shall find
The old, but I'm not that old
Young, but I'm not that bold
And I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I, feel something so right
Doing the wrong thing
I, feel something so wrong
But doing the right thing
I could lie, could lie, could lie
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
Lately I been, I been losing sleep
Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
Baby I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be counting stars
Lately I been, I been losing sleep
Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
But baby I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars

Laurens and (Angelica): We’ll be… we’ll be counting stars… (so so so! So this is what it feels like to match wits!)

Angelica: with someone at your level what the hell is the catch? It’s the feeling of freedom of seeing the light. It’s Ben Franklin with a key and a

Angelica and (Laurens): Kite, you see it right? (Watch it burn)

Laurens: Old, but I'm not that old
Young, but I'm not that bold
And I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I, feel something so wrong
But doing the right thing
I could lie, could lie, could lie

Laurens and (Angelica): Everything that drowns me makes me wanna… (I wanna take him far away from this place then I turn and see my sisters face and she is…)

Eliza: Helpless!

Angelica: And I know… she is

Eliza: Helpless!

Angelica: and her eyes, are just!

Eliza: Helpless!

Angelica: and I realize three fundamental truths at the exact same time!

Alexander and (Angelica): Where are you taking me? (I’m about to change your life.) by all means, lead the way…


Laurens: Lately I been, I been losing sleep
Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
But baby I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
we'll be counting stars

Eliza and (Alexander) and [Angelica]: Elizabeth Schuyler. Pleasure to meet you. (Schuyler?) [My sister.]

Angelica: Number two!
He's after me because I'm a Schuyler sister
That elevates his status, I'd
Have to be naive to set that aside
Maybe that is why I introduce him to Eliza
Now that's his bride
Nice going Angelica, he was right, you will never be satisfied

Eliza and (Alexander) and [Angelica]: Thank you for all your service
(If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it)
[I'll leave you to it!]

Angelica: Number three!
I know my sister like I know my own mind
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind

Angelica and (Laurens): If I tell her that I love him she'd be silently resigned
He'd be mine
She would say "I'm fine"
She'd be lying!
(But baby I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be, we'll be counting stars)

Laurens: …watch it burn
Sink in the river the lessons I learned
Take that money and watch it burn
Sink in the river the lessons I learned
Take that money and watch it burn
Sink in the river the lessons I learned

Angelica: Eliza’s his wife… at least I keep his eyes In My life.

Laurens and (Angelica): …makes me feel alive. (To the groom! x4) (to the bride! x4) (From your sister!) (Angelica x3) (who is always by your side!) (by your side x2)Lately I been, I been losing sleep
Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
Baby I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be counting stars
(To your union!) (to the union! To the revolution!) (and the hope that you’ll provide!) (provide! You provide!) (May you always!) (always!) (be satisfied!)
Lately I been, I been losing sleep
Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be
Baby I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be, we'll be counting stars

Angelica and (Laurens): And I know, she’ll be happy as his bride, and I know, he will never be satisfied. I will never be… (Take that money and watch it burn
Sink in the river the lessons I learned
Take that money and watch it burn
Sink in the river the lessons I learned
Take that money and watch it burn
Sink in the river the lessons I learned
Take that money and watch it burn
Sink in the river the lessons I…)



@spacebluelily language

"Immigrants: we get the job done."

Yo, Trump, take out a 10 dollar bill. Look at the man on it.
That man was a Caribbean immigrant.
Look at the man who brought foreign aid and helped us win our independence.
That man was a French immigrant.
Look at the man who used his tailoring business to spy on the British and saved the life of our first president not once, but twice.
He was an Irish immigrant.
Look at the people who helped found our country.
Many of them are immigrants.
look at the people cleaning the streets, taking out the trash, planting and harvesting our crops, fixing our pipes, electricity, and cars, doing every single goddamn, unwanted job there is, fled their homes due to violence or corruption, AND walked thousands of miles in awful conditions in the hope of getting a better life here.

~ Sky out

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@Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994 @Aviel_Hero#8994
(Just harrasing a friend on discord-)

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Meet the alternate Flamepaw @Spring
Name: Flamepaw

Past names: Flamekit

Gender: Male

Age: 7 Moons

Sexuality: Bi.

Clan: ForestClan

Rank: Apprentice

Personality: He is very energetic. He is a very "Out there" kit. He thinks out of the box and always has great ideas. He loves to make friends and will talk to anycat. The only problem is, is that he is very scared. Or in some sense a "Scardy Cat". He is a very Jumpy cat. He doesn't give up quickly and is actually quite skittish. :evergreen_tree:

Backstory: As a kit, his life wasn't hard. Except for the fact that he was abanded at the age of 3 moons. Luckly, he was found by A cat who's name was never told to him. He lived with that cat until he was old enough (5 moons) to go. Then he ended up in the ForestClan.