forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Riley
Nickname: none
Age: 18
gender: female
Height: 5'5
Weight: 100lbs
Personality: Tomboy, harsh, anger management issuses, air headed, cocky, Loyal to a fault, tsundere.
Backstory: well she happened to be out of town and not close to any fault lines or mass explosions, she was held up in her area for weeks with food and water and she decided she was done being restless and sitting around so she packed up her stuff and went to go find survivors to join.
Appearnce: Riley

Deleted user

A wizard in training who only knows how to cast fireball. As is traditional.

@spacebluelily language

King George lll: When your people say they hate you, don't come crawling back to me!
Me: Is it too late to come crawling back to England?
Also me: Come back to life and save us.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My fewwow amewicans, thiws message iws bwoadcasted tuwu uwu by pwesident uwu of the uwunited states of amewica.

unfowtunatewy, ouw countwy has bewn destwoyed by poow weadewship choices, awnd i, as pwesident, have decided tuwu destwoy iwt. Uwu wucky ones own the canadian bowdew may suwvive, but fowtunatewy, the texans wiww aww pewish.

thank uwu fow youw time.

the uwunited states wiww be wiped off the face of the eawth in thwee, two, owne

@Spring group

#7 Mothwatcher

Mothkit was born to her mother, Ravenfire, a ginger-and-black molly with green eyes and her father, Whiteberry, a large white tom with ginger markings and amber eyes. She was born in a litter of three with her two brothers, Palekit, a pale ginger tom with green eyes and Olivekit, a small black tom with one white paw and tail. Her relationship with her brothers was alright, she sometimes played with them. Ravenfire was sympathetic, while Whiteberry was harsh. Mothkit didn't really have a good relationship with with either of her parents.

Unfortunately, when Mothkit was about four moons old, Ravenfire slipped while crossing a river and fell into the water, where she drowned. Growing up, Mothkit missed her mother but coped quite well. A harsh winter caused a famine in the Clan. Since she was a kit, Mothkit got to eat first and wasn't affected much, but her father, Whiteberry unfortunately died of a combination of hunger and exposure to the cold. Mothkit didn't have a strong relationship with her father, but she still felt very sad. She became somewhat close with another kit in the nursery called Cherrykit, although they didn't become best friends Mothkit liked talking to Cherrykit more than actually talking to her brothers.

When Mothkit finally reached the age of an apprentice, she became Mothpaw. She received Shadefern as her mentor. he was strict, but always had Mothpaw's best interests in mind. Shadefern mostly focused on hunting while somewhat neglecting swimming. Shadefern was close friends with Icewater and they often trained their apprentices together. This meant that Mothpaw spent a lot of time with Ratpaw, Icewater’s apprentice, and the two became the best of friends.

After moons of training to become the best warrior they could be, Mothpaw became Mothwatcher, Palepaw became Paleswimmer and Olivepaw became Olivefin! During their vigil, it started raining and the three ended up playing in the rain like kits.

On the way towards home after a battle with an enemy clan, she and Barkstep, a warrior from the enemy Clan, SunClan. got stuck together after a cave-in. They struck up a conversation while waiting for their Clanmates to dig them out and found out that they had a lot in common. Mothwatcher asked him to meet her at the border, where Mothwatcher asked him to become her mate. He accepted and after a few moons of secret meetings joined Mothwatcher's Clan, StormClan.

Soon, Mothwatcher was expecting Barkstep’s kits!

Barkstep gave Mothwatcher all the attention he could and soon, Mothwatcher gave birth to three beautiful kits. Reedkit, a reddish-brown-and-tan she-kit, Shadekit, a small dark brown-and-ginger tom and Wolfkit, a brown-ginger-and-white calico tom. Both she and Barkstep cared for them, although Barkstep spent more time with them. Mothwatcher still formed a good relationship with Reedkit, Shadekit and Wolfkit evenly.

Mothwatcher got an apprentice with the name of Vinepaw. She taught Vinepaw how to swim and how to hunt. Vinepaw became Vinefire, which she named after her mother. Mothwatcher received a second apprentice as well, this one was called Raccoonpaw. Raccoonpaw never finished her training because she ran away with another apprentice from an enemy clan. Mothwatcher was devastated with the loss of Raccoonpaw but coped well. Reedkit became a warrior named Reedshine, Shadekit became a warrior named Shadetalon, and Wolfkit became a medicine cat named Wolfberry. Mothwatcher a deputy at the age of 56 moon because of after the old one died in battle.

After leading a battle on an enemy Clan for stealing prey and threatening their leader, Mothwatcher died protecting one of her injured clanmates at the age of 69 (nice) moons.

why did I copy this again? oh yeah, bc my friend wanted to see the newest warriors background oc I had– ))