forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

@Pickles group

Okay we've gotten out of the section of questions that pretty much everyone agrees on solely because they're a decent person, and now we're onto stuff that I don't really know enough about and he's talking too fast for me to understand his reasoning. But I feel like it's wrong and when an uneducated minor knows

@Spring group

Meet the alternate Flamepaw @/Spring
Name: Flamepaw

Past names: Flamekit

Gender: Male

Age: 7 Moons

Sexuality: Bi.

Clan: ForestClan

Rank: Apprentice

Personality: He is very energetic. He is a very "Out there" kit. He thinks out of the box and always has great ideas. He loves to make friends and will talk to anycat. The only problem is, is that he is very scared. Or in some sense a "Scardy Cat". He is a very Jumpy cat. He doesn't give up quickly and is actually quite skittish. :evergreen_tree:

Backstory: As a kit, his life wasn't hard. Except for the fact that he was abanded at the age of 3 moons. Luckly, he was found by A cat who's name was never told to him. He lived with that cat until he was old enough (5 moons) to go. Then he ended up in the ForestClan.

:00000000000000 big gasp he sounds so so very beautiful ))

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

(I still had to make him shorter because it's a modern AU and canon Brook is taller than the tallest human to ever live so he's like 7'something or other but his Afro makes up for some of it lmao)