@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
The woman let Syzen slam into her back, but as soon as they were pushed forward she ducked under him, going into a tumble. If he stayed against her, he would be slammed into the ground. If he pushed away from her, his own force would cause him to go flying.
Coral listened, picking up her cappuccino and blowing on it softly before taking a sip. She nodded, folding her right leg over her left.
"I see," she said when Kun finished. Under normal circumstances, she would be freaked out. As it was, though, she couldn't really say anything. She herself had several characters with her at all times.
"Hopefully he won't run into too much trouble."
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), when he saw the now confirmed character dash out, he leaped to his feet, his chair falling to the ground. This caused Coral to jump, and she turned to find the source of the sound.
"Goddamit," She mumbled under her breath. "It's fucking andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)…"
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) was too distracted by the new development to pay much attention to Cicada, so she was able to get away easily. On the roof, the pull at her gut was stronger,