forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The woman let Syzen slam into her back, but as soon as they were pushed forward she ducked under him, going into a tumble. If he stayed against her, he would be slammed into the ground. If he pushed away from her, his own force would cause him to go flying.

Coral listened, picking up her cappuccino and blowing on it softly before taking a sip. She nodded, folding her right leg over her left.
"I see," she said when Kun finished. Under normal circumstances, she would be freaked out. As it was, though, she couldn't really say anything. She herself had several characters with her at all times.
"Hopefully he won't run into too much trouble."

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), when he saw the now confirmed character dash out, he leaped to his feet, his chair falling to the ground. This caused Coral to jump, and she turned to find the source of the sound.
"Goddamit," She mumbled under her breath. "It's fucking andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)…"

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) was too distracted by the new development to pay much attention to Cicada, so she was able to get away easily. On the roof, the pull at her gut was stronger,


Heart of Stone - Six

You have a good heart, but I know it ’s hard to change and say Mahabo
You left in the latest time, you will leave me high or let me go
But I agree with standard people, yes, I am blue
The contents are verified, I know hey, stay here

You can pull me, you can tell me a jo, you can try, but i'm vulnerable
You can do your best, but I will insist, but we are okay with you, but I am shocked
When the fire is gone and you are not the most handsome guy, you are still fine
My stone heart

You say you are perfect, perfect family, let us be isolated from the world
I don't want to sell you the only person I've ever loved
But i know without your son your love is gone
I know it's not fair, but I don't care who my lover is still here

You can tell me yes you can tell me for a while you can try but i am in a fragile state
You can do your best, but I will stand the test and you will find time to shake
If the fire in winter is bad and the water is dry, you will still die at that time
My stone heart

Soon haha ​​must go
Mr Siri he doesn't crawl
I hope my son will know
I love you alone
Because like a river rose, you said there was a car behind
I will be by your side because my love is firm

Can you fill me up and you can tell me when i can try but i'm fragile
I'm doing my best but I'm still at a loss
I know honest buyers don't know what kind of star you are

My heart stopped don't break me break my stuff ha ha he breaks me please stop and break me
You are still fine
My stone-like heart

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Name: Arien Bovila
Age: Looks 19
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Appearance: longer black hair, gold flecked green eyes. He's about 5'11" with lighter skin.
Normal Clothes: a black Victorian coat, with black pants and combat boots. Occasionally wears a silver and gold half mask over his eyes.
Personality: At first he comes off as the Gothic Victorian vampire he is, but once you get to know him you realize he's a huge soft
Likes: quiet reflection, eating, cuddles, sugar
Dislikes: the sun, mirrors, and when he nibbles at his lip (which he does when nervous) since he nicks himself with his fangs
Background: tbd
Other: tots not a male version of my only vamp character XD

@Kanaroli group

Directions: Students are to write a Short Story Myth, Legend, or Fairytale that includes the following: Figurative Language-metaphor, simile, hyperbole, imagery, and personification. They should base it off of a made-up God, Goddess, Creature, or Hero of some sort. The length is 2-5 paragraphs in length.

Checklist: (I should see or your partner should see)

Figurative Language (5 examples)

POV (1st person, 3rd person limited, 3rd person omniscient.)

Must follow the Plot Diagram.

Lesson/Moral: at least 1 or several is acceptable as well

Have an Orginal Title

Partners Name:




-people from outside of Manitoba think it looks weird
-apparently there’s a facebook group devoted to honey dill sauce???? I love that. That’s wholesome.
-one dude (iliopoulos(?)) tried to distribute as far west as Alberta, it didn’t really work tho :/

@Kamea public

Antidisestablishmentarianism Floccinaucinihilipilification Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

The propaganda campaign was to Promote National Socialism and make Hitler look like Germany’s lord and savior.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The woman nodded, stepping over lightly and kneeling next to Syzen. She reached into her pocket, pulling out a glass ball. She held it in one hand, reaching out to Syzen's ankle.
"You fought well," she complimented. She lightly placed her fingers over the fractured part of Syzen's ankle. The glass ball started to glow a little, allowing the woman to use her own healing abilities to help Syzen.

Coral felt her stomach drop to the ground. If she was taken more than four feet off the ground, in any way, she would be screaming in someone's ears. Period. Still, she sucked it up and covered it all up very well.
"Hello!" she said, waving a little. She recognized both, of course.
"Ah, I think I'll go with Kazumi," she said, smiling.

The two soldiers were talking quietly, but one stopped.
"What's wrong?" Soldier K asked.
"Something's off," Soldier S said.
"Well, of course you'd sense something." Soldier K grimaced a bit, mumbling a little under his breath. "What's wrong?"
"A lot of shit…" Soldier S looked around, trying to spot… well, he didn't know what exactly.

It wasn't very hard to find a way to Area 51- there were a lot of signs plastered around from the whole "Raid Area 51" chaos that had gone down a few months before. It was far from the city, however.

There was someone else in this hallway too- the woman in blue. This was the third time she would have appeared around Aron. She spotted him, but said nothing, moving to press herself against the wall to not be in his way.

"Fuck!" andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) shouted, slamming his hand against the wheel of the car several times. "Fuck fuck fuck!!" He climbed out of the smoking vehicle, grabbing Crow's wrist and pulling him out as well.