forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

For one, P.O.V. is an acronym requiring full stops between each letter. Two, perhaps the "bully character" should have a name? It just seems that this person is relatively important to the story. Additionally, I do not believe that the word "character" is necessary after saying "Marcus." Also, perhaps you should not have "turning on" or "switching" before announcing P.O.V.'s (also what was with the full stop between each word?. In addition, you should make it more obvious when the point of view is switching. Perhaps by bolding it. Also, it feels choppy, rushed, and overall, low-quality. Proper punctuation is lacking and I saw capitalization where it should not have been. Also, some advice that I myself tend to struggle with. Show, don't tell.

It's a good story idea, but it's lack of quality and apparent effort makes it enjoyable/ hard to read.


He downloaded it with me and I said there was no way
Select my box and send me the pin
The Gospel Choir at the top of the chart is where I want to stay

Can we send a poem about my green sleeve
Changed a few sips, let's take a picture of it
Do you think the mine has expired, I didn't sign it, you tell him to write lyrics for Shake CP

I grew up outside my family
Hey rebecca and dad are famous
You might be able to take Calista to Devon
I'm just kidding because they can really cure stones

We are people without categories
His story has been lost for too many years
Spend another five minutes freely on glory

It is a shame that you are my face, because I wear a crown
I want to move to Hope House and my hometown
But I told them how to get together
I tell everyone that the pressure is down

The musician tried it on, I ’m like goodbye
I thought you needed him, I can say you are a HiH
I understand everything
You thought till i die

Check all about this Ragon
Sorry song, how do you dream of eggs
I went out to find him and was placed on the album
I don't need you i love all the sex i need

Once no category
His story has been lost for too many years
Get another five minutes in Cory
It's 6060 ha ha ha ha, where is 6045 minutes

This is the end of the historical mix
Close the phone and we change the prefix
No one knows that we used to be a sexy love
But we want to say something and then put the cat
Things must be sure
Oh he knows we were six people,

But now Bell belongs to one of the same factories
His story has been lost for too many years
Afraid to take our crowd, you go to mom and dad
What other category
Money lost in his story
We are free to crown five of them
Best sex way 60604503801 mom and dad way six


((Context. I put the microphone thingy on my keyboard on and sang six from six the musical into google translate. Then I translated it into Chinese and back to English. This was the result. I did censor some things when I pasted it though))

@saor_illust school

You, a young citizen of the Sun, have been cast down to Earth. It was the accident of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The humans say it was the most powerful sun flare in centuries.
Just before you fall unconscious, you notice a curled figure in the center of a large crater. Dark energy is radiating off of her as she lays there, beautiful and silent, and you're heading right for her.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Much as you did last semester, you will need to develop goals you have going forward to the end of the year. You should develop a goal to complete by: the end of the quarter, the end of the semester, the end of the year (2020), and in 5 years. You should be writing on each of these goals to explain why you want to accomplish this, and what your plan is to accomplish this goal. This should be 1 paragraph per goal (5 sentences= 1 paragraph).Put your goal in bold.