forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

Screaming cinnamon roll

Alistair’s face was made of stone. Not a single emotion slipped from his amber eyes as he played Rummy. Between his fingers there were a set of blue detailed playing cards, fanned out so that only his blank poker face could see what they said. He watched as Magenta layed down her discard in a pile ahead of him.
“Rummy,” he said pulling a run of diamonds from the discard.
Magenta sighed, silently cursing herself. Alistair let the hint of a smile slip out of stoney amber eyes.
Alistair picked up from the other pile, a smile finally poked out of his face as he laid down a set of four aces, then discarded his card upside down on the table.
Magenta counted up her points, then threw her cards on the table and stormed off.
“How many points did she get?” Brunner asked walking up to Alistair’s table after witnessing Magenta’s sudden surge.
Alistair reached over the table, counting the cards in his hands.
“Forty,” he said putting them back down in a neat pile on the table.
“And you?” Brunner asked expectantly.
“One sixty five,” Alistair answered.
“Yeah, she doesn't like losing. Especially that poorly,” Brunner sighed, giving Alistair a smile. “Welcome to the club, Alistair. We’re going to have quite the adventure,” Brunner said holding out his hand for him to shake.
Alistair stood up to take it, smiling broadly. “I hope so. I don’t want to make an enemy of Magenta for nothing.”
“Yeah, she is one to hold a grudge,” Brunner agreed.
“If anyone would know that it should be me,” Alistair laughed.
“How do you two know each other anyhow?”
Alistair paused in consideration. “It’s a long story,” he excused the subject.
“We have plenty of time, we aren’t leaving until tomorrow afternoon,” Brunner urged on.
“You know what?” Alistair asked,“I’ll tell you after you beat me in a game of cards.”
“Bet on it,” Brunner agreed.
“Oh I will,” Alistair said taking back his seat at the table, beginning to shuffle the cards.

The sun glared through the wide stain glass windows of the castle dining room. Forsythia poked aimlessly at her poached eggs. She stirred the hollandaise sauce as she spaced out, staring in a disconnected fashion across the well furnished room.
“Good morning darling,” King Arron said, waking her from her daze.
“Good morning,” she sighed.
“You don’t sound too well, are you sick?” he asked.
“Don’t worry about me,” she reassured him pulling on a weak smile. “I just didn’t sleep very well last night.”
“Well anyhow, we do need to talk about our plan, now that your sister has ran away,” he said serving himself a generous helping of fruit.
“It’s not my fault. You were the one not being discreet about it,” she argued defensively.
“Oh, so are we forgetting how you had the blight flowers delivered?” he scoffed.
“She was in the library the whole time! You know she’s not only my sister. She’s your wife too. If any of this is my fault, then it’s your fault too. I only guided the messengers to where those poisonous flowers should’ve been placed. You were the one who told them to deliver it wherever they felt fit!” she yelled.
“Well I didn’t think that those pirates would have just knocked on the castle doors with the flowers out in the open! And she isn’t going to be my wife for long,” he spat.
“They weren't pirates,” she said glaring down at her eggs. “They were members of the Bothel navy.”
“Not like there is much of a difference,” he muttered stabbing a strawberry.
The air was thick with bitter tension.
“Have you gotten the chance to purify the poison yet,” she asked tracing her plate with the tip of her fork.
He sighed and looked her up and down sharply. He couldn’t wait for the chance to get rid of her too.
“Of course dear,” he said with a sickly sweet smile.
She rolled her eyes and smiled with an expression of revolting cloy.
If they didn’t get rid of Andromeda soon, Forsythia swore that Aaron would be the next to regret getting tied up with her.

@spacebluelily language

“Nothing, absolutely nothing.”
What do you mean by that you piece of dry baloney!?” Amanda asked. (Well, yelled.)
“Oh my. How dare you. . . You piece of. . Garbage!”

@Knight-Shives group

Screaming cinnamon roll

(@Kight-Shives I don't know if you want any comments on it, you did put it on the 'paste the last thing you copied chat', but I had a small critique. It sounds good, but you sound like the narrator is speaking a bit too casually. It feels shorthand and dissociated. It might help if you put more of the character's emotion into it, they did just kill a person after all.)


During the nineteenth century, music publishers produced many musical works in arrangements for piano, so that music lovers could play and hear the popular pieces of the day in their home. The piano is widely employed in classical, jazz, traditional and popular music for solo and ensemble performances, accompaniment, and for composing, songwriting and rehearsals.
(School project)


Okay so
Anxiety (Alan):Toaster Bathtub except that bathtub's full of your favorite sad food
Apathy: (Adam): Thick Thighs Save Lives, also dead inside and outside
Logic (Liam): fALSEHOOD!!1! also ew, can't function with emotions
Morality (Percy): r/softboihours, basically Dad but a precious smol angel bean
Humor (Danny):clean vines you can show your christian frens
Dark Humor (David): ur mom gay lol, fingerguns personified, r/CursedComments
Creativity (Yet to be named): flamboyantly gay