Christiaan Huygens
Inuhoseki Commented on , +3'
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Were my flowers to bloom as often as I smiled, you’d have lost me
Were I to have as many joys as I do scars, I would have drowned
Lost in butter yellow, rather than crimson red
Drowned in gentle laughs, rather than pouring tears
Which would be me? Inanely happy or insanely sad?
The me I may once have been, ran. Hand in hand with the Devil.
I am never me; my soul, what’s left of it, matches only emotion.
They take me away, do you know? It’s so much easier, to let yourself go.
Ride with the waves.
Live and love when the tide comes in high,
But hang on for dear life when it retreats back to the dark
I wish I had better words than these concepts clumsily sewn together
On a page gripped slightly too tight, by some girl just trying to make it.
What is the purpose of alliances between countries in peacetime?
Section 4.1 and 4.2 HMWK
Directions: Graph the function and state the domain and range.
1) y = −3
2) f x = 2
3) g x = 5
x+2 − 7
4) y = −2(0.25)
x + 3
Directions: Solve for the unknown.
5) When a person takes a dosage of ibuprofen, the amount A (in milligrams) of medication remaining in the person's bloodstream after t hour can be
modeled by the equation A = 200(0.71)
. Identify if it is growth or decay, the initial amount, the growth/decay factor, and the annual percent
increase/decrease. Then estimate the amount of Ibuprofen left in a person’s bloodstream after 1.5 hours.
6) From 1997 to 2002, the number n (in millions) of DVD players sold in the United States can be modeled by n = 0.42(2.47)
t where t is the number of
years since 1997. Identify if it is growth or decay, the initial amount, the growth/decay factor, and the annual percent increase/decrease. Then estimate the
number of DVD players sold in 2001.
7) At an online auction, the opening bid for a pair of in-line skates is $50. The price of the skates increases by 10.5% per bid during the next 6 bids. Write a
model giving the price p (in dollars) of the skates after n bids. What was the price after 5 bids? 100 bids? Is the predicted price for 100 bids reasonable?
8) You buy a new mountain bike for $200. The value of the bike decreases by 25% each year. Write of model given the mountain bike’s value y (in dollars)
after t years. What is the price of the bike after two?
9) You deposit $2200 in a bank account. Find the balance after 4 years if the account pats 2.25% annual interest compounded monthly.
10) You want to have $3000 in your savings account after 3 years. Find the amount you should deposit initially if the account pays 3.5% annual interest
compounded quarterly.
Love you too, thank you a lot!
Союз нерушимый республик свободных
Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
Да здравствует созданный волей народов
Единый, могучий Советский Союз!
Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Дружбы, народов надежный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусть от победы, к победе ведет!
Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
И Ленин великий нам путь озарил.
Нас вырастил Сталин - на верность народу
На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил.
Славься, Отечество чаше свободное,
Счастья народов надежный оплот!
Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусть от победы к победе ведет!
Skvoz grozy siialo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin velikij nam put ozaril.
Nas vyrastil Stalin - na vernost narodu
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil.
Slavsia, Otechestvo chashe svobodnoe,
Schastia narodov nadezhnyj oplot!
Age (17-25):
This is for Rachel you big fat white nasty smellin fat bitch why you took me off the mothafuckin schedule wit cho triflin dirty white racist ass big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I’m comin up there and I’m gon beat the fuck outta you bitch
Script thingy:
[1] present idea, talk about the who what where when why how stuff
[2] talk about ideas, ask which would be okay
[3] talk about the concerns, problems, suggestions or solutions for the problems
Age: (20-25)
Background: (anything from a sentence to an essay is fine.)
Other: (any other stuff can go here, from any mental or physical conditions to fun facts.)
boon companion
first name
surname now
surname at birth
are they alive?
who are they related to and how are they related
Your ma
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
boon companion
t!tg train
radioactive wolves
Age: (17-19)
Appearance: (detailed, no links unless described)
Style: (detailed, no links unless described)
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