forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@spacebluelily language

The best way to go to target is to make a couple of things and then get back in and get some money to make sure that she can go home he put a couple in his car in ia a couple things eI was a couple months of a year of college but I don’t Want To Say is o is a good o CLOSED Stalkers.

@spacebluelily language

“I don’t think you’re a demon, a monster or a freak. Sure, you might’ve almost destroyed the earth, but, I understand why you did it. You were angry that your best friend left you for this piece of junk.”


In another world where furries ruled the world and after the war against furries vs humans the furries won. They put the people in the village to help them build their homes but some humans hate furries and they created a jail. The furries call these humans hunters. The furry superiors did not the humans were doing this. The humans captured furries even a little red and blue kid fox name Death man but we will call him Dk. So Dk had these amazing powers to glitch and turn into dragons, fox, and knights. But he could because the hunter’s made a machine to stop the furries from using their powers. The hunters abuse these furries for trying to escape but Dk waited patiently for when the time was right and this is where we begin our story.



No, you thick asshole!” Avitas looked exasperated. “Not gays! Poor guys. Guys who live in the slums. They don’t help us, they hurt us. Doesn’t matter why we’ve come to them. They just punish everyone involved and call it justice.”

Deleted user

You are the warm summer day of my break.

The soft heat that brushes on my cheeks, and the light from the burning sun above me. You inflame my senses and fill me with an everlasting warmth.

You're that perfect day in June, where it isn't too cold, nor is it too hot. The day where I can go outside and sit all day in the sun, basking in its glory. You're the day I miss on chilly days.

You bring about plants that I see only in spring and summer; Sunflowers, cherry blossoms, and tulips. You're the season of life, that touches everything around it. To the soft whistling birds, to the luscious green leaves anew on the trees. The laughter of squirrels on my roof, skidding around with their hard paws on the shingles.

You're the summer day I enjoy the most.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

What she's saying is that we all have fake identities that we call ourselves. We have a different face for every person or event. We change ourselves so that we look like we're okay. If it weren't for all the fake IDs(so to speak) that we create for ourselves, then we wouldn't be able to survive in this world. We wouldn't be able to push past the pain we have forced on us. We "wear a mask" as armor, hoping that one day we will no longer need it. But soon enough, we forget that the fronts we put on aren't us and it just merges itself into who we are, becoming another plastic member of this world's cruel society.

If that makes sense.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I hide, I hide in iodine words
It's something inexplicable
It's something unaccountable
I cry, I cry when anything hurts
Vexatious, my amygdala
That I can't do a thing about
The tricks and trivials of
Every twenty four
Maybe you could tone it down
A little more
And I, and I dunno
Oh, all I ever knew before
Were clusters of holes
An eye for an eye
That's how the game works
I'm losing my autonomy
A mutilated part of me
And I defy the way the game works
Between you and me
It's only getting worse
From the mouth
Of a cauterized rag doll
Supplications to leave him alone
From the mouth
Of the cauterized rag doll
Throw the nails away
And leave him alone
I don't know
Where the thoughts are coming from
Pull my strings
And swallow ichor
Fire burns
And the rags are torn apart
I can't inhale anymore
'Cuz all I've ever known are holes
Today something changed
I figured it's true
The frontal lobe placed me
Behind my own strings
'Cuz I, defy, the way the game works
I'll say it again
I'm only getting worse
The dull assumptions
That I've tasted decency
Waiting for the embers
To lose their glow
And I and I dunno
Oh, all I've ever seen before
Were clusters of holes
Waiting for the world to burn
Waiting for the holes to close now
Waiting for the world to burn
Waiting for the holes to close now
I can't see
The holes in my memories
The fire and I, alone again
The guilt and I, alone again
Say we take what had been torn apart
Say we mend any patchwork discord
Turning eyes to the Trypo-Puppeteer
I can't exhale anymore
So, one, two, three
And we'll tie the tourniquet
Pull my skin and swallow ichor
Fire burns
And the rags are torn apart
I can't inhale anymore
Day by day and day after day
I'm causing trouble anyway
Pull the fire alarm
I never meant any harm
Never meant any harm
Well, say my limbs are torn apart
And all the stuffing falls out
Let the toy wind down
It should've never been wound
I never meant any harm
Say we take what had been torn apart
Say we mend any patchwork discord
Turning eyes to the Trypo-Puppeteer
Waiting for the world to burn
So, one, two, three
And we'll tie the tourniquet
Larvae eating away at everything
Word goes 'round
I'm the Trypo-Puppeteer
Laugh along, I'm spreading holes
Now I know
This has always been my fault
And I can't inhale anymore


the story turns into a musical and two gay babies are chased by a homophobic man dubbed Angry Neighbor to the tune of Shia LaBeouf.