forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 232 followers

@saor_illust school

Do you hear the students sing?
Singing the song of angry kids?
It is the music of a classroom
Who will not be starved again!
When the light of your iPad
Echoes the light that’s gone inside
There is a meal about to start
When 11:20 comes

okay i lowkey love this les mis reference lol

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

My run down of Ohio:
It's cold
It's hot
It's wet
It's dry
(all in the same day, sometimes within an hour)
There's nothing to do except amusement parks, really, and they're kind of boring honestly
The people here pretend to be nice, all while doing the minimal amount of effort
Everyone's either drunk or super conservative
Nearly all of the teenagers are high
Almost everyone you meet has smoked at some point…ewie
There's not as much corn as you might think, but there's still a lot

So Indiana, but less corn?


Do you hear the students sing?
Singing the song of angry kids?
It is the music of a classroom
Who will not be starved again!
When the light of your iPad
Echoes the light that’s gone inside
There is a meal about to start
When 11:20 comes

okay i lowkey love this les mis reference lol

lol I thought you would

@saor_illust school

Do you hear the students sing?
Singing the song of angry kids?
It is the music of a classroom
Who will not be starved again!
When the light of your iPad
Echoes the light that’s gone inside
There is a meal about to start
When 11:20 comes

okay i lowkey love this les mis reference lol

lol I thought you would

lol yup


cisco: Big Daddy Issues. Pops was an absolute asshole conman, and while cisco picked up some useful skills from him, he hates him. Mans disappeared a year ago and aint been seen since, leaving cisco, his mother, and his younger sister all alone. lives in fear that he'll be like his father some day. secretly accidentally found him and his new address, but doesnt know what exactly to do with that knowledge

jo: Adopted by lovely lesbian couple(gay rights bitch), who already had one child as well. Jo and his adopted brother were ver close and shared everything with each other, even after his brother was deployed. He knew his brother was having some issues after some event he couldnt talk about, but didn't know the extent of it. His brother came home one christmas and things seemed fine, until jo came home from school and found his brother dead, a ver gruesome sight. He cant stand christmas now(for now), and became very surly and withdrawn after

kasper: Family of psychics that run shop in town. Fairly happy life, though he’s dealt with quite a bit of bullying in the past bcs of his family. Instead of using that as an excuse to be a bad person, he strives his hardest to be Friend and make others happy, sometimes to the point of detrimenting himself.

Garrett: dead obviously. Actually died by killing himself, to flee an oppressive father and likely murder after he was caught with an african american girl. More to follow on this one

Catori: her mother saw ghosts as well. She was raised on a reservation in arizona, her mother a medicine woman and daughter of one of the tribe’s most prominent medicine men, and her father accepted even though he was almost viewed as a sort of mascot. He’s just Like That. her mother passed away under strange circumstances about a year before the current setting time, and even with the overwhelming support of the tribe and their family, her and her dad decided to move. It really didn't help that she was the one who was with her mother when she died suddenly at the grocery store, and Catori still has no clue how it happened. They chose at random by throwing a dart at a map.


I'm getting way too tired of the romance
Focus got me rolling through the programs
Searching for a way to notice
I've been rapping about cupid since the Romans died
Long time, right in hindsight
My life experience is fight night for the rhymes I write
The audience I cater to amaze to how
I took the same songs then made them new
Wish that I could pin down how to change a mood
Without a major boost, I hope you wonder too

(if you know the song please say so because no one i know knows this)

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

In the dark of a freezing night,
You rolled in thin sheets.
The cold words
You screamed
Warming you like
The comforter on your bed.
A faint rumble
Of a closing door
FIlled your room
As the creaking of another opening
Drowned out the noise.
You tried to pull
Out of your bed
Out of the grasp of the sheets,
But they pleaded
And beseeched you to stay.
“We’ll miss you,” they whimpered,
But you pulled once more
And were freed
From captivation of
Those horrid fabric bonds.
As you walked
To the open door,
Intimate words
Found their way to your ears.
Each word
Ringing as clear as
An anguished siren.
Every syllable came
From the mouth of
A repentant countenance.
It cried in front of
The smudged mirror
Just beyond the door.
You had sought out.
It pleaded for forgiveness.
For one more smile.
And at that moment,
When a smile of clemency
Shined down
On you,
You knew you were
Finally forgiven.