@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"Fine, fine," Sam says. "I was going to anyways." He pulled Ashen's two halves over to himself, Marcus coming as well since he refused to let go of Ashen.
"Fine, fine," Sam says. "I was going to anyways." He pulled Ashen's two halves over to himself, Marcus coming as well since he refused to let go of Ashen.
Someones house caught fire and the flames blew over onto the lawn. Or possibly lightning struck the ground.
I just want 2 be validated by my own creative brain but I suppose even God had to give the human race another shot
I just want 2 be validated by my own creative brain but I suppose even God had to give the human race another shot
LOL I made it up on the spot and then I had to send it to all my friends so I copied it
xuxi steals my braincells
Calling Death man and HeavenHybrid23 for a sequel
xuxi steals my braincells
Everyone steals my brain cells
I fear for my mother's health, though. Lately, a lot of things have been going south and her health is declining quickly.
I fear for my mother's health, though. Lately, a lot of things have been going south and her health is declining quickly.
if this is real, i'm sorry, if this is for a story, WOWIE THAT'S PERFECT
\\ that’s
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ノ ) Lノ(I copied this because it is b e a u t i f u l)
|| Im hunger
|| Im eating the feed u cant stop me
18 seconds ago · Comment · Unlike 1
Itachi-nii TraitorousCrow
. the other day i just suddenly,,,, f e l t all my limbs
like,,, i was overly aware that they exist
and it felt weird and not r i g h t
like having limbs is just,,, nO
so, that was a thing that happened
48 seconds ago · Comment · Like
Would you rather fight a hundred duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? I'm asking the real questions.
"A horse-sized duck. Have you ever seen a horse bite an apple? It's one chomp and it's gone, so I don't want a squad of those."
That was a question asked to an NBA player
Chenle, #하리보_천러_공장_탈출한_날
I’m kinda curious about what you were doing then
taunt - to jeer at, mock
Works Cited
Bellis, Mary. "The History of Steamboats." ThoughtCo., Dotdash, 26 July 2019, www.thoughtco.com/history-of-steamboats-4057901. Accessed 21 Nov. 2019.
—. "Roburt Fulton's Steamboat Clermont." ThoughtCo., Dotdash, 20 Nov. 2019, www.thoughtco.com/steamboat-clermont-1991465. Accessed 21 Nov. 2019.
"Fulton's First Steamboat Voyage, 1807." EyeWitness to History, Ibis Communications, 2004, www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/fulton.htm. Accessed 21 Nov. 2019.
"A History of Steamboats." Military, www.sam.usace.army.mil/Portals/46/docs/recreation/OP-CO/montgomery/pdfs/10thand11th/ahistoryofsteamboats.pdf. Accessed 21 Nov. 2019.
"How Did Steamboats Impact America?" Reference* , Ask Media, www.reference.com/history/did-steamboats-impact-america-e8ae69122b4faa80. Accessed 21 Nov. 2019.
"How Did the Steamboat Change America?" Reference*, Ask Media, www.reference.com/history/did-steamboat-change-america-810355150f53dd96. Accessed 21 Nov. 2019.
"Robert Fulton." Ohio History Connection, ohiohistorycentral.org/w/Robert_Fulton. Accessed 21 Nov. 2019.
I'm a total Cuphead.
When the snows falls and the white winds blow the lone wolf dies but the pack survives eddard stark - george rr. martin
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