@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
나에게 자비를 베푸소서
나에게 자비를 베푸소서
(ooo japanese!)
Sue: falls through ceiling
Donna: Hey, Sue
Sue: Hey, Donna
Sue: that hurt
(ooo japanese!)
(Yeeup. I typed it out on my own, then copy-pasted it everywhere on a group chat with other students XD)
(ooo japanese!)
(Yeeup. I typed it out on my own, then copy-pasted it everywhere on a group chat with other students XD)
(ooo japanese!)
(Yeeup. I typed it out on my own, then copy-pasted it everywhere on a group chat with other students XD)
(I got to call so many people uncultured swine XD)
Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince
Known the tale, the legend, and the exact technique. The ones stronger were the ones guarding the tale, and they wiped his memory to keep him from casting the spell.
u think I know how u feel??? lol I don't even know how I feel how tf do you expect me to interpret ur emotions too
string bean budda bean lima bean black eyed peas cornbread biscuit macaronicheese and eggrolls
There have been many fluctuations in migration to Australia requiring adjustments to legal policies. For example, after WWII, many European people were displaced by the damage on their home countries and Australia changed their White Australia Policy to allow displaced Europeans into the country. The Australian government is highly reliant on migrants to support the economic system and therefore has changed their policies further to allow more people in.
I just want 2 be validated by my own creative brain but I suppose even God had to give the human race another shot
He twirled his finger beside his head, meaning his brain.
"I get a bit crazy when I'm mad," he mumbled
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(I copied this because it is b e a u t i f u l)
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