forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 232 followers

Deleted user

Hi Mrs.Kepler, I am going to be gone all of 8th period to do a job shadow. 

@TeamMezzo group

We, the People.
That’s what they said, isn't it?
When they wrote the words that set up an entire nation,
They started it with “We, the People.”
So how come we forget that?

"We, the people"
Wasn’t, no, isn’t, all the people yet.
"We, the people" is
The ones who fit society’s norms,
Who sit quietly while everyone else’s brainstorms
Make the standards of our nation.

They’re the ones who check the “like all the others” box,
The ones who fit under everyone else’s locks,
The ones who are the same as the people who came before
Because there’s no room for error behind this great iron door.

"We, the people" is not
People whose ancestors came here unwillingly,
People who ran here for their own safety,
People who aren’t your perfect, caucasian family who sits under the olive tree,
Pretending everything is perfect.
“People” is not people of color,
“People” is not those who check the “other”
“People” is not those who are just trying to live
But don’t fit in the box,
Won’t stay under the locks
And try to actually speak their mind.

We the people.
That’s what they said.
Why can’t people just
Open their ears long enough to listen?
Why can’t people
Look back at history’s mistakes
Enough to be sure it makes
Decent sense what we’re doing
And that it helps make “We, the People” fit all of the people
Instead of just the lucky ones?

We the people doesn’t mean people.
And we have the voice to change that.
So why are we hesitating?
Nothing will change if we keep waiting
Idly by until somebody else changes it.

So let’s just say something,
Do something,
Change something
For the better.
Change something
For forever.
Change something pre-existing
That makes it harder for us to live our lives.

It’s not going to be we the people until the people who aren’t included change it.

Deleted user

I do not

Want too much

A little hate

And a lot of love

To keep things

As they say

Someone to be

My getaway

When life hits hard

And I’m afraid

They are right there

To take the blade

From trembling hands

And then they will say

“It’ll be okay

Just one more day.”

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

"All I ever wanted was the was the world," She whimpered, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I would give anything for the crown, you know that, Byron." Bryon looked away from her, a swirl of emotions crossing his face. "Eloise,” he said, addressing the crying girl, “ you took it too far this time, I couldn’t keep this a secret."

Eloise was a duchess, not even a part of the royal bloodline, yet she killed the queen in a feeble attempt to take the crown for her own. As though she could tell what Bryon was thinking, Eloise wiped her tears and spoke again. "You know that I would've made a much better queen than that wretched woman,” Eloise spat, her voice coated in venom. “But, you just had to tell everyone what you saw, didn’t you?" Bryon’s eyes widened in fear and he turned around. The tear-stained cheeks of the duchess were pulled into a wicked smile. "Oh, dear Bryon, fear not. I can't hurt you, you're not like her." Eloise said, seemingly trying to disarm Bryon. And though he had breathed a sigh of relief, Bryon‘s eyes still showed slight worry.

(I know, weird)

Deleted user

( I would paste the last thing I copied but I think it'd get taken down because it's Thanos with his batootie out and looking fabulous. I'm not weird I swear. )

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

And what is that book you’ve been reading here for the past eight weeks?
I see you always finish it but you always start it over again. Im starting to think you’re insane.

It’s a few lines of this short story I’m writing lol


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@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

  \\ that’s
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