forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 234 followers

@Shadow_Knight group

Amber watched her stay still before a raven came along. She became a bit more nervous when she heard the hunter voices getting closer. She was snapped out of her trance when the bird landed on her shoulder and began chirping into her ear.

@saor_illust school

If you consider that each bolt of lightning contains more than 5 billion Joules of energy, then the average 1000-watt, two-slice toaster could be powered for 84,000 minutes with just one strike. That's just enough time to toast about 100,000 slices of bread, bagels, English muffins—whatever you prefer.


Dear (English Teacher)
I was just wanting to talk to you about a creative writing website called Story Wars.

It’s a website where you can write the first chapter of a story, and then it will go public to all Story Wars users. Everyone is then able to submit a draft for the next chapter in the story, and then, once there are two or more drafts for the chapter, a voting round will begin. The draft that receives the most votes during this time will become the next chapter. And then the process continues.
There are other functions of Story Wars. For example, there are roleplaying forums for people who don’t like to write long chapters. There are writing rooms which is where you write stories with a select group of people, so it’s more private than public. There’s an option for families and classrooms of writers for home or school. You are able to talk to other users about the plot the story should follow.

Recently, it has been advertised to the Story Wars users that the website may be permanantly shut down. Personally, I really don’t want this to happen as I love using the website. I don’t have any social media accounts on which I can post about Story Wars, and I’m not able to donate any money to them. So I’m left with the third option that the Admin of Story Wars has suggested: trying to get more users to sign up. I’ve tried speaking to my friends about signing up, but it’s not really their ‘thing’. So I thought I’d ask for your help.

If you know of any creative writers (of any age group) that you think would love to be a part of the Story Wars community, please tell them to send me an email about it ASAP. I’m not sure how long the site has left before it closes or how many more users it needs, but I’m estimating a little over a week.


Deleted user

Opinion on Shifters/Humans: (doesn’t have to be an essay. Do they fear? Dislike? Don’t care? Interested? If they’re a Shifter, change to human. If a human, change to Shifter.)
Job: (are they a student? Factory worker? Office worker? Law enforcement? Unemployed?)
Backstory: (again, doesn’t have to be an essay. Are they from Hedo City? If not, where did they live beforehand? Family life? Where do they live now? In a richer area, average area or poor area?)
Personality: (first reaction to certain situations? General personality/behaviour?)
Other: (anything else goes here)

@Shadow_Knight group

(Honestly you are doing great!!)

"18 that she has admitted too and 23 more suspected." The guard said.
Raz smirked at the prince when he looked her over, ignoring what the guards said.

@Knight-Shives group

Spoopy spary speletons
Spend sphivers down your spine
Sprieking spulls will spock your spoul
Speal your doom tonight
Spoopy spary speletons
Speap with such a spreech
You'll spake and spudder in spurprise
When you hear these zombies spriek
We're spo sporry speletons
You're spo misunderstood
You only want to spocialize
But I don't think we spould
Cause spoopy spary speletons
Spout spartling sprilly spreams
They'll speak from their sparcophagus
And just won't leave you be
Spirpits spupernatural
Are spy whats all the fuss
But bags of bones speem spo unsafe
It's spemi-sperious!
Spoopy spary speletons
Are spilly all the spame
They'll spile and sprabble spowly by
And drive you spo insane
Spicks and spones will break your bones
They speldom let you spooze
Spoopy spary speletons
Will wake you with a boo!

@Knight-Shives group

voys vand virls vof vevery vage
Vouldn't Vou Vike Vo Vee Vomething Vrange?
Vome Vith Vus Vand Vou Vill Vee
Vhis, vour vown vof ValloVeen
Vhis vis ValloVeen, Vhis Vs Valloween
Vumpkins Vream Vin Vhe Vead Vof Vight
Vhis Vis ValloVeen, Veverybody Vake Va Vene
vrick vor vreat vill vhe veighbors vonna vie vof vright
vIt's vour vown, veverybody vream
vIn vhis vown vof valloveen
vI vam vhe vone viding vunder vour ved
veeth vround varp vand veyes vlowing ved
vI vam vhe vone viding vunder vour vairs
vingers vike vakes vand viders vin vy vair
vhis vis valloveen, vhis vis valloveen
valloveen! valloveen! valloveen! valloveen!
vIn vhis vown ve vall vome
vEveryone vail vo vhe vumpkin vong
vIn vhis vown, von't ve vove vit vow?
vEverybody's vaiting vor vhe vext vurprise
'vound vhat vorner, van viding vin vhe vrash van
vomething's vaiting vo(< long o sound) vo vounce, vnd vow vou'll
vream! vhis vis valloveen
ved 'vn' vlack, vand vlimy vreen
vAren't vou vared?
vell, vhat's vust vine
vay vit vonce, vay vit vice
vake va vance vand voll vhe vice
vide with the moon in the dead of night
vEverybody vream, veverybody vream
vIn vour vown vof valloveen!
vI vam vhe vlown vith vhe vear-vaway vace
vere vin va vlash vand vone vithout va vrace
vI vam vhe "vho" vhen vou vall, "vho's vhere?"
vI vam vhe vind vlowing vhrough vour vair
vI vam vhe vadow von vhe voon vat vight
villing vour vreams vo vhe vrim vith vright
vhis vis valloveen, vhis vis valloween
valloveen! valloveen! valloveen! valloveen!
valloveen! valloveen!
vender vumplings veverywhere
vife's vo(o as in no) vun vithout va vood vare
vat's vour vob, vut ve're vot vean
vin vour vown vof valloveen
vIn vhis vown
von't ve vove vit vow?
vEverybody's vaiting vor vhe vext vurprise
vkeleton vack vight vatch vou vin vhe vack
vAnd vream vike va vanshee
vake vou vump vout vof vour vkin
vhis vis valloveen, veverybody vream
von't va vlease vake vay vor va very vecial vuy
vour van vack vis ving vof vhe vumpkin vatch
vEveryone vail vo vhe vumpkin ving, vow!
vhis vis valloveen, vhis vis valloveen
valloveen! valloveen! valloveen! valloveen!
vIn vhis vown ve vall vome
vEveryone vail vo vhe vumpkin vong
vla vla vla vla vla vla vla vla vla vla (valloveen! valloveen!)
vla vla vla vla vla vla vla vla vla vla (valloveen! valloveen!)


update: just came back from rowing
it started hailing literally as soon as we are dismissed and you just see like 20 ppl charging with their towels over their head
i had a towel over my head and a jumper but everything waist down including socks got wet
it was great