forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 234 followers

@Shadow_Knight group

Full Name:
Sexual Orientation:
Relationship Status:
Monster or Human? (if monster, what kind?):
Any Powers?:
Opinion of Humans/Monsters:
Why Are They Living in This House?:
► background; (optional)

► physical;
Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc:


Michael was a businesswoman at heart, bureaucratic to the fine print. Nothing slipped past her sharp eye, and no loophole went unfound. She could catch the faintest stain on a suit jacket, and call anyone out on their bull before they even got to it. She never forgot things at work, rarely brought things either. She was a person who believed in necessity above much else. An elegant woman with nary a wrinkle in sight, she held the envy of all her co-workers who lived off coffee and two hours of sleep. All in all, she was the outward picture of perfection, practically a Mary Poppins of her own right.

To jump right into the story, it was this aforementioned attention to detail saved her life, and it was a lack of attention that almost ended it. She stepped out into the crosswalk in the wake of a lumbering lorry, and from around behind it, making a rather illegal u-turn, a small blue Echo shot forward as if blasted from a cannon, it’s driver slamming on the gas to get ahead of oncoming traffic.

She saw it coming, and, ever a lady of dignity, took one or two lage steps back the way she came as the driver realized their mistake and slammed on the breaks what would have been a hair too late had she not moved. As it was, the little blue thing came to a halt perfectly aligned with her baleful glare at the sheepish driver through the passenger window.

Deleted user

H-hey guys uhm I think a demon/little girl spirit has entered my home and has attached itself too me. I have asked it to kindly leave twice and then prayed to the lord and lady to protect me. It then proceeded to torment me. Nothing major. Pinches, some scratching, a bit of tickling. Now I have been gifted with abilities and I can feel it sitting on my stomach and poking my sides, my feet, tickling, pinching. I'm getting both good and bad vibes from it and am unsure of what to do. I don't have sage or anything and it's night. I can survive the night probably and be fine as long as things don't get worse. i'm also supposed to be asleep. Help?

Deleted user

(Nope. It's happening right now. But I'm used to this sorta thang, ain't my first rodeo, just tired of this bs)

Deleted user

(Yes I'm serious. I have a long history of ghost expertise and experinces IF IT WOULD STOP TOUCHING MY FACE AND PRIVATE PARTS THAT'D BE GREAT! AND JUST ME IN GENERAL!)


The precious finite and human resources used to grow and harvest the crops and livestock also go to waste when that food is wasted.


The precious finite and human resources used to grow and harvest the crops and livestock also go to waste when that food is wasted.


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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Halm came in and sat down next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"You're overworking yourself again," He said.

Deleted user

Hey guys I'm doing a monster world RP if anyone wants to join!