forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

(I can work with this… just let me know if you think I'm shoving your character out of the spot light.)

Brett pulled out of the parking lot rubbing his face. He sighed and turned on the radio. A soft Christmas song was humming through the crackly speaker in his car. "Why would she not want a ride?" He asked himself. "Did I do something wrong? Is she mad at me and just wanted me to leave? Did she lie to me?" He gripped the wheel tighter gritting his teeth. "I bet she did! She just thought I was some hookup and was told she had to invite me. Of course, just my luck! Finally think I make a friend and she just uses me!" He was really mad now. "That's fine! I don't need her! I don't need any friends! I can do these things on my own-" Brett noticed the red light too late. He slammed on his breaks and stopped in the intersection. As he did another car did the same thing, but they didn't stop as quickly. They slammed into Brett's car…

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“I will smite you.”
“You couldn’t smite a paper towel if it lit itself on fire. Get some damn sleep.”

Deleted user

Holiday Band Concert: Thursday, December 19 at 6:30PM, Report 6PM (Practices will be 12/2 & 12/16 from 4-5:30)
Assessment Preview Concert: Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30PM, Report 6PM (Practices will be announced)
WCPS Band Assessments: March 24 during the school day
Spring Band Concert: Wednesday, May 20 at 7PM, Report 6:30PM

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Seemingly satisfied with the answer Bryn gave, ignoring the one Sebastian gave enough though the question had been asked of him, CC went back to smiling, eating her food. Sebastian sighed, shaking his head lightly with a small smile. CC was a nice girl. They continued to talk as they ate, and the subject eventually turned to demons. CC herself wanted one, but her mother wasn't going to let her until her next birthday.


Seemingly satisfied with the answer Bryn gave, ignoring the one Sebastian gave enough though the question had been asked of him, CC went back to smiling, eating her food. Sebastian sighed, shaking his head lightly with a small smile. CC was a nice girl. They continued to talk as they ate, and the subject eventually turned to demons. CC herself wanted one, but her mother wasn't going to let her until her next birthday.

That's noice

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txet sesrever taht etisbew a otni tsop golb siht deggulp I ezilaer ot elihw elttil a uoy ekat lliw ti ekil tsuj ,oediv siht ni ta gnikool saw I tahw tuo erugif ot elihw elttil a em koot tI

… tsop siht fo eulav OES eht niur t’nseod ti sa gnol sa ,lleW ?huh ,revelC

.ti evol I .errazib oS .gniyfsitas dna gnitsugsid strap lauqe s’ti dna esrever ni gnitae elpoep fo oediv a edam tsacdaorb skcuB eht, haey ,yawynA