forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers


I am born of witches
I am born of girls, teens, barely women
Girls hung and drowned and crushed for daring to stand out amongst a bleary backdrop of gray
Girls who said no to a man and suffered at his hand and the hand of the law that was there to ‘protect’
Girls, who did not deserve to die
I am born of witches

I am born of survivors
Women who stared death in the face and said ‘you’ll take me someday, but that day is not today’
Women who’s bodies conspired against them, who’s own flesh tried to kill them
Who stood up and said ‘no. you won’t win’, and turned the tables
Of women with swords and women with pens
Used for the same thing, to fight
I am born of survivors

I am born of anger, a thirst for revenge so deep and consuming that it shouldn’t have been sideline-able
Of pain and suffering caused by people who should have been refuge from that exact thing
A hurt that ran deep, deep enough to affect every little thing, every action and reaction
I was born with anger

I was born of love
Not love from my mother to my father or vice versa, but love from my mother to me
Love that keeps me warm, by handing me a second-hand winter coat
An old coat but a coat nonetheless
Love, that puts a roof over my head and bandaids on my knees when I trip and fall
Because I inherited Love’s clumsy genes
Love, who does not yell back but who listens
Love, who knows what it’s like to feel unheard but saves her voice for when it matters most

I am born of pain and love and sorrow
Of anger and hurt and so many things it would take hours to list them standing here
But I am also born of hope
Born with stardust in my lungs and my mother’s blood in my veins
Born with the spirits and ghosts of the women before me standing behind and beside me

I am born with purpose
Purpose to right the wrongs that I can, to change the world in whatever way I can
To scream with all the voices that have guided me and come before me
And to pass them on
Maybe not to my own daughter, but to every woman I meet
Every woman with her own spirits and anger and her ancestors beside
To pass on hope

I am born of anger and hope.

@Shadow_Knight group

I am born of witches
I am born of girls, teens, barely women
Girls hung and drowned and crushed for daring to stand out amongst a bleary backdrop of gray
Girls who said no to a man and suffered at his hand and the hand of the law that was there to ‘protect’
Girls, who did not deserve to die
I am born of witches

I am born of survivors
Women who stared death in the face and said ‘you’ll take me someday, but that day is not today’
Women who’s bodies conspired against them, who’s own flesh tried to kill them
Who stood up and said ‘no. you won’t win’, and turned the tables
Of women with swords and women with pens
Used for the same thing, to fight
I am born of survivors

I am born of anger, a thirst for revenge so deep and consuming that it shouldn’t have been sideline-able
Of pain and suffering caused by people who should have been refuge from that exact thing
A hurt that ran deep, deep enough to affect every little thing, every action and reaction
I was born with anger

I was born of love
Not love from my mother to my father or vice versa, but love from my mother to me
Love that keeps me warm, by handing me a second-hand winter coat
An old coat but a coat nonetheless
Love, that puts a roof over my head and bandaids on my knees when I trip and fall
Because I inherited Love’s clumsy genes
Love, who does not yell back but who listens
Love, who knows what it’s like to feel unheard but saves her voice for when it matters most

I am born of pain and love and sorrow
Of anger and hurt and so many things it would take hours to list them standing here
But I am also born of hope
Born with stardust in my lungs and my mother’s blood in my veins
Born with the spirits and ghosts of the women before me standing behind and beside me

I am born with purpose
Purpose to right the wrongs that I can, to change the world in whatever way I can
To scream with all the voices that have guided me and come before me
And to pass them on
Maybe not to my own daughter, but to every woman I meet
Every woman with her own spirits and anger and her ancestors beside
To pass on hope

I am born of anger and hope.

I love this. I can’t put how much I love this into words.


Instead of a sound like Rhydar's yelp, Lily let out a surprised laugh, tilting her face up towards the rain. Despite the fact that it was pouring, she seemed happy as could be in the rain, like a plant. "You'll have to get Nevarra

Deleted user

Idek why you care though

You are an SGA officer tho so I guess you have to be relatively popular tho

Meh I think it’ll be fun. Mea wanted me to do it so of course I was gonna do it

But I can hang out with you till your ride comes and picks you up. I have band practice too that night


Hey, this is kind of awkward but I noticed you’ve been hit with a lot of drama and accusations recently and… uhh…
I just want to say that I don’t think you’re a creep, quite the opposite, actually…
I really appreciate you, more than I could ever put to words. You’ve saved multiple lives and helped so many others, your incredible strength has always inspired me, and your positive, wholesome attitude even in hard times has restored my faith in humanity quite a bit…

You’re the one person that I actually feel comfortable venting to, and the one person who hasn’t once abandoned me, even through all my overdramatic meltdowns and horrible mistakes…

I honestly don’t know what I’d ever do without you, heck, I might not even be here if it wasn’t for you…

So, for all that, I just want to thank you.
Thank you for being there for me, for my friends, and for the whole community.
Thank you for bringing hope to those who thought they’d never see it again.
Thank you for your kindness, your positivity, and your ability to always make us smile.
Thank you for being the amazing person you are.
Thank you for all the time you’ve spent helping others, saving their lives, giving advice, and even providing memes to cheer us up.
Thank you.
For everything you’ve done.

The amount of drama lately has really taken a toll on my mental and emotional state, so there’s a chance I might have to leave this site completely…
I doubt I’ll actually do it because this place means everything to me, but just in case, here are the other places you can find me

Instagram: @ Ella_NutEllaDraws

Discord: @ NutEllaDraws #9473

…and that’s about it

So yeah
that is all

sorry for bugging you


Species: (completely optional)
Role: (student, teacher (tell me what they teach), headmaster, other (please say what))
Backstory: (optional)

@Kanaroli group

She normally wears a tank top with her favorite band on it along with a black leather jacket, her parts are a dark green and she wears black lace-up boots. She normally wears a necklace with the virgo constellation and one of her ears have 2 piercings, the second earring is normally attached to a chain with an ear cuff on it