forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Kanaroli group

If you were directing a theatre production of The Wizard of Oz, how would you handle the scene with the tornado (starting at time code 15:09)? Would you include a "tornado" in your production? If so, how would you create the impression of a tornado?

Describe three different camera shots that are used in The Wizard of Oz. What effect or purpose does each camera shot have in the scene in which it was used?

If you were staging The Wizard of Oz as a theatre production, how would you handle the character of Toto? Would you use a real dog or use some alternative? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of your choice? Think about aspects such as cost, realism, predictability, and so on.

How does the film change when Dorothy gets to Oz (at time code 19:40)? Why do you think the filmmaker made this choice? Do you think this was effective in presenting the filmmaker's artistic vision?

Both Singin' in the Rain and The Wizard of Oz include musical and dance numbers. How do the musical/dance pieces compare in the two films? Which film makes better use of music and dance? Why?

When the Wicked Witch of the West appears (time code 29:17), the scene has two witches present. How does the film distinguish between the "wicked" witch and the "good" witch? Consider aspects such as costume, dialogue, body language, the relationship of the character to others in the scene, and so on.

@Shadow_Knight group

Arajcvdsf it’s great ain’t it? I had it copied to propose a rp to someone

Cool! Who are you going to ask? I almost just asked who you were going to propose to. Lol.


ColorMePersephone! We're in a few together already and I love all of their characters to the point it hurts lmao. And jhgj no proposing for this fifteen year old, nope

@Shadow_Knight group

ColorMePersephone! We're in a few together already and I love all of their characters to the point it hurts lmao. And jhgj no proposing for this fifteen year old, nope

That's cool! I don't think I've ever RP with ColorMePersephone

@Shadow_Knight group


@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Uh…..this isn't finished…..(im disappointed in myself))

You’re really short and cute, and you get a cup of black coffee every morning but you make weird faces every time you take a sip and you never finish your drink.
Are you trying to act mature or something?
That little attitude of yours that you give me every time i spell your name wrong.
And that hidden smile you give me when you see the cheesy pickup line i wrote on the side of the cup when you order from me.
And what is that book you’ve been reading here for the past eight weeks?
I see you always finish it but you always start it over again. Im starting to think you’re insane.
I walk over to you one day on my lunch break, peering over your shoulder at the book.
“More than this” It read on the front cover. I've looked it up and actually had time to read it myself. Sitting myself in front of you with a big smile on my face and my elbows on the table.
Your red, curly, and all over the place hair flowing over your shoulders and your swept to the slightly curly side bangs falling in your face slightly over your eyebrow. That tiny diamond nose piercing shining off of the gentle lights hanging from the ceiling.
One blue eye and one green eye, which ive noticed on the first day that you've come here, looking up at me. Sighing and setting your book down you give me a sort of glare.
“Hey……Aladdin right?”
I manage to say with a smile, though forgetting how awkward i normally am.
“Um….. its Allane”
You say to me with that little smile and laugh, your honey sweet voice filling the little air in the bubble around us as you pick up your book again.
“Oh…… right, yeah. Oh! Thats a good book. The main character was pretty well written but i personally favor the side characters”
I say running my hand through my alabaster hair nervously, though i would never show the fact that i was nervous.
As you poke your freckle infested nose out of your book my heart jumps and does a summersault as a smile appears on your face. A one that I would only see from the counter when you would be stuck in your book.
“Uh….well i personally love the main character, but the villians well written. I personally like her.”
You say as i listen carfully, trying not to have a heart attack. I was actually talking to you! The gorgeous quiet girl who would visit the coffee shop every day.
“So what library do you go to around here?”
I ask trying to make conversation.
“Wait- theres more than one library here? I thought there was only the small one by the courthouse?”
I watch you as you pull your hair up into a ponytail, leaving your bangs in your face and tucking a peice behind your ear.
“Oh, nooo. Theres about three. This is a decently large town, though divided into around three sections. Would you like to know where the others are? I can show you sometime if you would like.”
“Well i don't think that's a bad idea."
You say to me with a little smile curving up your lips.


1) Identify a person or area where you are fairly sure you are running a racket.
2) Distinguish and share what you can now see is the payoff and cost of running that racket.
3) Actions: what actions you're going to take this week as a function of getting off that racket.