forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Echo_6 group

@TeamMezzo group

ich                                                             wir—————————————————-du                                                             ihr—————————————————-er/sie/es                                                 sie

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Aw sick man

You should drop by Zuspan before fourth mod so we can show off our merch

I’m wearing mine too

@Kanaroli group

Imagine you are creating a theatre production of the scene that begins at 1:07:00 and has Don in the rain. How would you give the impression of rain to the audience?

Singin' in the Rain includes a number of musical and dance pieces throughout the film. Don's piece starting at time code 01:15:34 is one example of this. How is music used in the film? If you were the filmmaker, would you make any changes to the use of music in the film? If so, what changes would you make and why? If not, why not?

How do your experiences, culture, background, and current events influence how you think about this film? In other words, do you think that someone who lived in the 1950s or someone who is older than you would have a different impression of the film? Why or why not?

What do you think is the purpose for the film Singin' in the Rain? Why? How does the filmmaker create this purpose within the film?

How is lighting used in Singin' in the Rain? Is it more practical or aesthetic?

Choose one scene from the film Singin' in the Rain and design a theatre set for this scene. Describe the scenery and props you would use and how you would place them on the stage. You can include pictures, digital drawings, or other media in your answer. Make sure to consider factors such as historical accuracy, cost, mobility, and so on.

Deleted user

I was walking down an alley when I felt a thud and everything went black.