forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The night buzzed with the sounds of crickets and frogs, Night sky tinted purple, millions of stars shining down. It would have been peaceful, if it had not been for the procession of forlorn humans making their way deep into the forest. Celeste watched with mild amusement from her perch in the sky. The humans did this sometimes; leaving a sacrifice to keep her from destroying their precious village. She smirked. Though she was invisible to the humans, she could tell that the older ones could feel her presence. She glanced down on the poor mortal they were giving up to her. Yes, she would do well for what Celeste intended.


Skin is lighter than King’s, but still pretty dark. Think like, a dark caramel type deal. Really dark grey eyes that definitely almost look black, and very much seem to know more about everything than you. The shape she gets from her dad’s side. 5’8. Her hair is almost always covered by a light grey hijab, or her special Hero hijab, but her hair is dark brown. Gangly and shit.

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In a flash, in place of the conversation starter, Adelphie appeared in my backpack, screaming wildly.

@GameMaster group

“So basically it’s incredibly haunted…”
“Hey, for the price the demon from The Exorcist could be the housemaid and I wouldn’t care,” Connor said into his phone to his buddy Nick on the other side. “I mean if you’re really concerned you could always come over to protect me.”
Nick laughed a little too loudly. “God no. It’s your life and if you get possessed it’s definitely not my fault.”
“Hey, if I die I’m totally haunting you.” Conner was walking down his new street to his new house. He was in the middle of moving into it and the moving truck still sat outside the door.
“That’s your right as an american,” Nick replied. “I gotta go, but really, be careful. They wouldn’t have warned you if there wasn’t anything to worry about.” The phone beeped as the call ended and Conner tucked it into the pocket of his coat.
He never believed in ghosts but he had to admit that he was starting to get a little jittery. The landlord didn’t sound like he was kidding when he describing the previous tenants complants of paranormal activity. However, at this point, Conner didn’t much care. It always seemed like nothing went right for him so when he saw the pricing on the old referbished townhouse near downtown he couldn’t believe his luck.
The job search had left him incredibly frustrated and he always felt pretty lonely. He wasn’t exactly helping by moving across town from his college roomate and long-time friend Nick.


She wrinkled her nose at the memory of the man, sneering slightly. "Unfortunately. He's a man I'd love t' gut like a fish." She mulled over the bit of information he'd given her, still a bit uncomfortable with her own sharing, but knowing it was the best way to get anything out of him. An eye for an eye. "Ya ever slept in a nest?" Her eyes opened suddenly,