forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

@kittycalyx group

“Sato, darling, angel, love of my life?”
She sighed, knowing exactly what he was about to request. “Gimme your phone.”
“You’re the best.”


Okay I just wanna talk about Slowtown:
“I put my socks on my feet,
Just so that my soul won’t fall through
My toes.”
listen here, When you get ready to go somewhere, typically you put on socks, right? If you are getting up to leave and be out in the world, you’re likely wearing socks. He’s saying that by putting on these socks, he’s choosing to get up, to move, to fight. The soul falling through his toes is dying, succumbing to what keeping him down, which in this case is depression. A common symptom of depression is sever fatigue and disinterest in what one usually enjoys doing. It can be so difficult to get up, to leave and *to be out in the world’. Hope this helps you guys.


Prospect House
100 New Oxford St
London, England WC1A 1HB
United Kingdom

(Address fo an amazing youtuber, lmao, took me months to track down, I'm scary)

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am i allowed to wish you a very happy unbirthday?

Sure thing. Subscribe to my dad for my birthday LOL you don’t have to