forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Wyn’s the type of guy who hates black coffee and tea, but drinks it anyway just to seem cool. He’s the type of guy who enjoys unabashedly slipping around the floors of his house in socks and splurging on lemon ice cream and chocolate whenever physically possible. He’s very in-the-moment and flirty, not to mention downright goofy when he wants to be. Between his awful jokes and tendency to shoot finger guns at inappropriate times, no one would ever guess the power he actually has. Wyn inherited body magic from his father, and excels in both spoken and herbal magic. His familiar is a rarity among witches, a tiny dragon he befriended when he was nineteen that decided to stick around. Despite all of this, Wyn dislikes any sort of conflict, much preferring to talk things out over a meal or simply run away when possible. Occasionally he’ll even try to flirt with whoever is currently trying to kill him, because, as he’ll often complain, “all the bad people are hot.”


Chapter One

    Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair. 

Golden locks, maiden fair

Esmerelda shook her head. Aunt Chloe was coming to the tower today, to visit and bring her daughter to spend time with Esmerelda. Her daughter’s name was Smoky, and that described her very well. With silvery-black hair and steel grey eyes, her demeanor was very imposing and intimidating. 

“Essie! Smoky and I are here. These are the books you wanted.” Esmerelda raced out of her room, skidding to a halt, her hair flowing behind. She flipped the untrimmed bangs out of her eyes. Aunt Chloe stood in the middle of the round center room. She held a basket, filled with books on poetry and writing, and a few of Edgar Allen Poe’s. Smoky pushed back the hood of her cloak, shaking out her choppy hair. She let out a little hiss, exposing her pointed fangs. Her teeth were bared in an odd excuse for a smile. Absolutely terrifying. Predatory, even.

“Hello, Esmerelda. How are you?”

Essie responded with a curt nod of her head. “I’m doing okay. You?”

“Fine, as always.” Ever so polite.

Smoky was more of an awkward guard dog to Aunt Chloe. Essie suspected that she was really a werewolf. She had drawings all over her walls.

Smoky took the basket and disappeared in a brume of black. Essie dashed after her.

When Essie got to her room, Smoky was carefully setting the books on the shelf with sharp, precise movements. Pick up the book, flick of the wrist to place it on the shelf. It was fascinating, almost catlike. I wondered if Smoky was actually an Animagus, from Harry Potter. Hers would probably be a cat. Or a wolf.

Smoky turned around and I realised Essie that she was staring. Lowering her eyes, she turned around and shoved her hands in the pockets of her hoodie.

“Sorry. Um. Don’t you have to go rewire the router?”

“Yes. Why’re you reminding me?” Smoky listed her head, her hair covering her eyes. Smoky brushed it away, her eyes sharp.

Honestly, did Smoky have to be so curious? Irritated, Essie replied, “You have jobs. So do I. Go finish yours.” She tucked a curl behind her ear. 

Instead of listening to her, Smoky retrieved a hairbrush and stood behind Esmerelda. She carefully plaited and twisted her hair into a cascading fall of coils. She then produced a shimmering band of jewels from her cloak. Smoky wiped the glare away and moved to face Essie. Putting her hand under Essie’s chin, she lifted her head to a more regal position and settled the band on her head.

Smoky smiled, and this time it was beautiful. “Don’t let Chloe see you like that. She’ll take the crown away.” Her black eyes looked like delicately cut diamonds in the sparkling, reflected light of the jewels in Essie’s hair. Smoky pulled up her hood and disappeared once more. I knew she went to rewire the WiFi router. 

Chloe was worried that Essie was going to send a message to the outside world to a ‘knight in shining armor’ so she could be rescued. That was why Smoky rewired the router. Smoky was a coding genius, so she made it impossible for Essie to comment on any YouTube video, call anyone other than her and Chloe, and text anyone.

Essie stepped to the mirror and stared. Her reflection stared back. Her brown hair slithered down her back in pretty coils. In her books, people looked like this. They were royalty. Life in luxury, silkily pillowed couches. Essie lifted the crown off her head and tucked it inside her pillowcase. Unnerved by Smoky’s sudden sunny flash of happiness, she pulled a book off the shelf. Smoky’s usual aura was camouflage and shadow. So why was she acting differently? She replaced the book and pulled a chair over to her keyboard. She plunked out a few notes to set the rhythm and then let her fingers fly over the board.

Mozart’s ‘Turkish March’ trickled out her fingertips, washing everything else out of her mind. She stopped suddenly and stood up again. Plopping down at her desk, she opened her laptop and pulled up YouTube. A notification told her that the battery was low. Cursing, she scrambled to find the charger. She left it here somewhere, right? Yep, here it was. Tangled in a net of phone chargers and yarn. Essie sighed and began the long, tedious process of unraveling it. Closing her computer, she sat down and frowned at the mess of black and orange and sea-green. Concentrating, she stretched out her hands and a blue light glowed and pulsed from them. The mess rose into the air and she spread her arms slowly, making the net stretch and distend. The mess separated, leaving the charger on the ground. She picked it up and examined it, surprised at what she had just done. The blue energy that flowed from her hands made her feel powerful, almost too powerful. I saw it in her eyes; she was terrified. She was quite a pretty girl. Stepping out of the shadows, I tried to move quietly. Esmerelda spun around frantically and produced a long, jagged knife from her sleeve. She did that frighteningly quickly! Where'd she even get the knife? She kicked me in the stomach and shoved the knife against my throat.

“Who are you; what do you want?” Essie growled through clenched teeth.

“Relax, darling. I’m Rowan. But you most likely know me as Prince Charming.”


                                           Chapter 2

      I twisted around to see a charcoal-haired boy standing in my room. Yeah, maybe I overreacted. Yeah, maybe I pressed my knife to his throat. What did you expect me to do? I'm the girl who's been confined to a tower her whole life. You expect me to politely ask the kid -I mean- Prince Charming to LEAVE?! Smoky appeared in a plume of soot. She gave me an incompetent glance and wrapped her hands around Charming's throat. Smoky effortlessly lifted him into the air. 

      "You are in the presence of Her Majesty, Princess Esmerelda Lotus Ivycreek. Why?"

     Rowan's eyes got really big and he bowed awkwardly, as Smoky still had him in the air. "Your Majesty. I was not aware you were staying in this establishment. Shall I inform the queen?"

      Smoky blinked and looked surprised. Regaining her cool, she bared her teeth and said, "That won't be necessary."

      "Stop. Are you telling me that I'm the princess? AND I HAD NO IDEA?" I was absolutely furious. 

@TeamMezzo group

You and Awsten have been dating for 7 years. You were with Awsten, Otto, Grace and RORY. So as of now Awsten and I are on Rory Duty. Why because Geoff and Chloe are having a date night! YAY! I went to go get some water and snacks.”OTTO DO YOU WANT SO SNACKS.” i yell upstairs. Otto and grace are hanging out up stairs. I didn’t hear an answer so i think that they have headphones in listening to music. I went to the living room were awsten was playing with little Rory. they are both cuties. We ate snacks while playing with Rory and watching a movie. We watched disney Jr. shows like mickey mouse. Wee ran out of snacks thank to Awsten eating them all. Awsten started to complain about being hungry and threaten to go up stair and hit Otto with a chair. Why? I have no idea.It's Awsten. I’ve given up trying to understand him at this point. I wanted Chinese while Awsten wanted pizza. “ I’M TELLING YOU WE SHOULD TOTALLY GET PIZZA.” Awsten yelled, accidentally waking up Rory(that kinda hurt me to write ). We hear footstep running down the stairs. We knew it was otto so Awsten walked away to go to otto to go convince him to order pizza. I left to bring him back to the living room. “Babe come back here we are supposed to be looking after rory!” we all fought about what to get. We finally made up our mind on mcdonalds.Geoff was holding rory in his arms with chloe by his side.Geoff hand her to chloe then started to walk towards us at a fast pace. We ran to the broom closet. Once we got in we stated to ‘quietly’ giggle. We shushed each other like no tomorrow. Unfortunately we were too loud and a lit- big person heard us and yanked the door open. Dragging us by our ears Geoff sat us on the couch and sai-no YELLED.
“WHY DID YOU LEAVE RORY UNATTAINTED! SHE COULD HAVE FALLEN OR WORSE!” Geoff was never this mad. We both muttered a sorry. “NO SORRY IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH THIS TIME!” I looked to the ground tears threaten to spill from my eyes. I could see through the corner of my eye that Awsten was…….GLARING AT ME! “BOTH OF YOU GO TO YOUR ROOM!” as i was walking towards the room Awsten slams the door in my face. Now i let the tear fall from my face. I hear a door open and otto’s footsteps. Otto’s hand grabs my arm and gently pulls me to his room. Grace left to let us talk.
“So what happened?”otto said
“Geoff yelled at us and i guess A-A-Awsten blames me for it-hiccup- is it my fault that geoff yelled at us for l-l-leaving rory alone?”
“No,no,no it is not your fault. Awsten just doesn’t want to disappoint geoff is all.” otto said. I broke down crying in otto’s shoulder. Otto was my best friend. He was with me through thick and thin. I finally calmed down. When i heard a knock on the door.
HHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. I know you might hate me but. I hate cliffhangers too but they are so fun to do. Now i know why authors do them. Also please tell Asaya that you want me to continue writing this one shot and if you want me to write more one shots and tell her the ones you want me to write about.( i may ask for persona of them

(here's a one shot my friendo wrote)


WATERPARKS FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU

@Knight-Shives group

Calix just woke up from his short nap on the back room’s sofa. He walked out into the bar. There weren’t many people out there. He started walking over to the bar counter where Vasilios was stepping in and working for him so he could take a short nap. He walked over then saw Vasilios, doing who knows what. “What the Fuck did you do?” He asked as he noticed the liquids for drinks everywhere on the counters and floor.

“Well clearly I was doing your job!” He replied looking at Calix as he still held a cup in his hand.

“What the hell do you think my job it?” Calix asked clearly concerned that this was the person he had left in charge for an hour.

“You’re a bartender, right?”

“Yes… I am a bartender. So let me rephrase my question. What do you think I do?”

“Make drinks and idle chit chat….”

“Yes, that is correct. Now explain the mess please.” Calix asked sighing and looking at the huge mess.

“I was doing your job. I was making drinks.” He said then gestured to the cup in his hands.

“You have no idea how to make drinks do you?” He asked quietly as he walked over to the spot of the counter that opened and walked in it and over to Vasilios.

“Not exactly. But I didn’t want to bother you. Also, I really didn’t want to ask after I said I got it all under control.”

“Sweetie…” Calix said taking the cup out of his hands and placing it on the counter. “You are adorable, useless, in a cute way. Also someone I should not ask to take over for my job again. No offence.”

“Alright…. I guess.”

“Ok, now go get some towels. We need to clean this up, well mostly you.” Calix said smiling.


So nice to see ya here
Impolite would only be beneath us
It's been what? Half a year?
Like nothing ever happened in-between us
Fill me in on how you've been
And I would tell you anything you'd like to hear now
And we can laugh some
Reminisce some
From the same old stories to the new ones
When the night's done, I will just see you around
But that's not what I came here for, my amour
I hate to admit it but I miss the war
Gotta get you under fire quick
Brace for it
I'd rather be a riot than be indifferent
This means war, yeah
This means, this means, this mean this means war
I'm calm, I'm sure of it
Don't shake cause I've never even rattled
It's a good school, I've heard of it
You want to move away; surrender from the battle
I just wished you'd open fire on me
So I can see you still worry
If I care
And you can laugh some
Reminisce some
From the same old stories to the new ones
When the nights done, you'll just see me around
But that's not what I came here for, my amour
I hate to admit it but I miss the war
Gotta get you under fire quick
Brace for it
I'd rather be a riot than be indifferent
This means war, yeah
This means, this means, this mean this means war
Fire in the hole
Fire in the fire in the
Fire in the fire in the hole
Fire in the hole
Fire in the fire in the
Fire in the fire in the hole
Take cover baby
Take cover baby
Take cover baby
Take cover, take cover, baby
Take cover
But that's not what I came here for, my amour
I hate to admit it but I miss the war
Gotta get you under fire quick
Brace for it
I'd rather be a riot than be indifferent
This means war, yeah
This means, this means, this mean this means war


My dream last night…