forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@faltering-through pets

The other day I politely returned the question “how are you doing?” at a driver who asked the same of me, and he replied “oh, you know, same soup just reheated” and I can’t stop thinking about that


“I’ve seen you play guitar in jazz band. I love jazz band! I love jazz! Well, not all jazz, but definitely like, jazz band jazz. That’s so weird, I’m sorry”
“You apologize a lot”

When did I become this obsessed with DEH

@kittycalyx group

To Scorpa, drowning didn’t sound all that bad.
Obviously, it wasn’t her ideal weekend activity, but she thought it’d be kinda fitting. She loved the water, so it should get to take her in the end.
Maybe once she was a wrinkled old woman, she’d just jump into the ocean. Take a deep breath and let the saltwater fill her lungs. Assuming she’d live that long, of course. Someone would probably take her out before then. An assassin would threaten to kill her and she’d call him a pussy. Then he’d prove her wrong.
Well, that’d be much more interesting than just dying of old age.
As she floated on her back in the lagoon, she sighed. Imagining her own death was fun and all, but it was probably past noon now, and there was a hearing at one o’clock. She could get a nap in during it, if she was careful. Even if she wasn’t, who was gonna stop her?


My current mood:
Awake way past my bedtime because I’ve been hit with this sudden realization of just how lucky I am to have such amazing friends in my life. I often think that, considering the amount of mistakes I’ve made, I’m completely unlovable… Yet these people, these truly incredible people, they’ve seen all my weaknesses, my problems, my tears, my mistakes, my good side, my bad side, even my overly dramatic side, and they still love me like a sister.
And I’m not just talking about my IRL friends, you guys here on Notebook are incredible as well. You manage to still care about me despite my problems, which I realize can be p r e t t y difficult at times.
I truly do mean it when I say you’re too amazing for words to describe, you’ve done so many great things for me and I’m so truly pancake-flipping grateful to have people as wonderful as you in my life, I love each one of you guys so much, you have no idea…

@Mojack group

The swiffer is going sicko mode
9 year olds coming out of their rooms at 3 am: 😳😳
19 year olds: 😧😧
78 year olds: 🤔🤔
190 year olds: 💀
The bag of shredded cheese: 👺