forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@Darkblossom group

“I just realized that because it’s like 6 here in CA you guys get skeptical, annoying Madi rather than antisocial Madi. Anyway, back on topic.”
I have no idea what this was for.

@TeamMezzo group

good morning, all! tis the resident cranky old british dude jacob. i'm using this an an opportunity to say that I'M GAYER THAN CHRISTMAS

@Knight-Shives group

The water rushed in my lungs, cold and fierce. the darkness spread through my vision. I was losing my consciousness, I knew I was. No fear. No  regrets. No thoughts of hope or success. I was going to die. I felt the water invading my mouth, my nose, my ears, I could not get away from it. This is my grave, my watery grave that i was cursed to never leave. I managed to stay up a little but the waves pulled me down not wanting me to go. Sirens. In the distance, but too far. Not close enough to help me I was going to die here, There was no hope left. The darkness engulfed my vision and everything was black. This was the end.
Light Flooded my vision, too quickly. I was in a bed but I still felt as though I was in the water still. My body felt like jelly. The room was sterile white and plain. there were voices nearby in a hall maybe, but I could not make out the words. Two people were sitting across the room one on a couch the other on a chair, but both asleep. I had a migraine and my lungs hurt, when i breathed deep they burned. But I still had doubt that this was real. I was probably still in the water, in my watery grave. Dead.

@Knight-Shives group

Ica is all about stopping the addiction ice cream, though this addiction could lead to abuse. Here are the facts.

The average American consumes more than 23 pounds of ice cream per year. probably about a third of that is wasted a year by icecream abusers.

this is a serious thing, it is a current event that happens everyday even if you don't realize or notice it. Ice cream abusers are everywhere. Maybe 1 out of every 4 people has abused ice cream before. Ice cream is a vital resource.

Don't abuse that creamy cold sugary goodness.

What did ice cream ever do to those people to get abused like this, did ice cream kill their family, did an ice cream burn down their house? Not likely.

stop wasting ice cream if you will never eat it or just want to let it melt, just don't buy it.

If you are allergic to ice cream don't even buy it.

If you are lactose intolerant and still buy ice cream and eat it. We commend your dedication. As long as you don't get addicted.