forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers


Liebst Du Mich?
Es ist nicht mehr so, wie es einmal war
Wir waren glücklich und so ein schönes Paar
Es gab niemals Streit, haben uns blind vertraut
Konnten jeden Tag aufeinander bauen

Ich will doch nur, dass alles so wird, wie es früher war,
Du mir deine Wärme gibst an jeden Tag in deinem Arm
Alles was mir von dir bleibt - nur Erinnerung
An die schöne Zeit mit dir. Sag mir, ist sie jetzt um?

Lie - Liebst du mich?
Sei ehrlich! Verlass mich nicht!
Erin-, erinner dich
An die Zeit zurück!
Sie war so schön…

Sag, kannst du dich erinnern an die alten Tage,
Wo wir nachts noch wach waren und beieinander lagen?
Es hat sich viel verändert
Du stehst nicht zu mir
Hast du einen Andern?
Was ist mit dir passiert?

Ich will doch nur, dass alles so wird, wie es früher war,
Du mir deine Wärme gibst an jeden Tag in deinem Arm.
Alles, was mir von dir bleibt - nur Erinnerung
An die schöne Zeit mit dir. Sag mir, ist sie jetzt um?

Lie-, liebst du mich?
Sei ehrlich! Verlass mich nicht!
Erin-, erinner dich
An die Zeit zurück!
Sie war so schön…

Ey Girl, ich hab dir doch gesagt, dass es nicht einfach wird,
Wenn sich zwei Menschen so sehr lieben wie wir.
Doch ich hab jeden Tag gehofft, dass es niemals passiert,
Dass du nicht kämpfen kannst, und ich dich verlier.

Lie-, liebst du mich?
Sei ehrlich! Verlass mich nicht!
Erin-, erinner dich
An die Zeit zurück!
Sie war so schön…

Liebst du mich, sag, x7
Liebst du mich?
Liebst du mich, sag, x7
Liebst du mich?

Do You Love Me?
It's not how it once was anymore
We were happy and such a lovely couple
We never fought, trusted each other blindly
We could rely on each other every day

I just want everything to go back to how it was before
You warmed me every day in your arms
All that remains to me of you is only memories
of the lovely time with you… Tell me, is it over now?

Do you lo— love me?
Be honest… don't leave me…
Remem— Remember
back on that time
It was so lovely…

Tell me, can you remember the old days?
When we still lay awake at night and lay beside one another?
It's changed a lot
You're not with me
Do you have someone else?
What happened to you?

I just want everything to go back to how it was before
You warmed me every day in your arms
All that remains to me of you is only memories
of the lovely time with you… Tell me, is it over now?

Do you lo— love me?
Be honest… don't leave me…
Remem— Remember
back on that time
It was so lovely…

Hey, girl, I told you that it wouldn't be simple
When two people love each other as much as we do
But I hoped every day that it'd never happen
That you wouldn't be able to fight and that I'd lose you

Do you lo— love me?
Be honest… don't leave me…
Remem— Remember
back on that time
It was so lovely…

Do you love me? Tell me
Do you love me? Tell me
Do you love me? Tell me

Deleted user

Everything in this room is eatable, even I am eatable! But that is called cannibalism and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.


(i'm sorry for the spam, but that's what it was)


The blond had watched the exchange quietly, but rested his arm on the door of the car as it began moving. He was aware of Requiem’s eyes on him, but didn’t actually turn to look at him until his question. Kelly actually glanced himself over before answering. “I’m fine. Bruised ankle, but it won’t bother me when I walk.” He shrugged, then repeated the question, putting emphasis on the /you/. He still wasn’t sure how much of what Requiem had told him was the truth, but he didn’t see any reason for him to lie. Still, he bit back his questions best he could, instead looking out the window and trying to spot Reverie.

Kace seemed to notice her tension, but made no comment, instead looking at Skylar as Mary handed him to Sivik. “Um, okay,” he replied quietly at her answer. He felt uncomfortable with all the casual physical touch, but figured he was in no place to complain. Or rather, he was, but it wouldn’t do him much good. The trainee did take the water from Mary, though he hesitated in drinking it. Eventually he decided the water was unlikely to be poisoned, and he took a few cautious sips, capping the bottle afterwards. He thanked her, because he was polite and not because he was grateful for being kidnapped.

Sivik held Skylar loosely, but his attention was mostly divided between Mary and the empty space in front of him. He’d been doing his best to mask how much getting a broken bottle swung at his shoulder really hurt, but in the soft light of the limo he looked more pale than usual, and he winced every time the vehicle changed speeds. Still, he spoke up to answer Skylar, only saying, “Seraph’s trainee.”